January 6, 2013

Great results on a sunset cruise from angler Miriam McDonald’s group. They started off with a few small Dorados, including this one that got chewed up on the way into the boat by a larger mystery fish.

That mystery was solved an hour later when this MASSIVE Cubera Snapper hit a vertical jig. These monsters fight hard but this group of anglers was up to the challenge.

Nice filets in store for this group after another fantastic sunset cruise for the Wanderer.


January 6, 2013

Our old pal Henry Doggrell joined client Richard Belgaske for an afternoon half day on the Wanderer and scored big. For a warm up Henry boated this White Tuna, which is eerily similar to his day with us back in 2011:

January 7, 2013

January 5, 2011

The left the reminiscing for later because 1pm means one thing in these waters: Sailfish Time!

This beauty fought Henry for about 20 minutes before being safely de-hooked and released. Great fishing from one of our favorite clients.

January 5, 2013

Karen and Sam did big work on the Pacific Sailfish on the 3rd, so for this trip they switched it up and target Dorado. Take a peek at some of these big bulls they found less than 10 miles from shore.

These Dorados are much larger than the ones we have seen so far this season which is a good sign not just for this species but all the other fish that depend on them (Sailfish and Marlin).

January 3, 2013

Lucy Edgerton booked a trip for her dad and together they bested a pair of beautiful Pacific Sailfish. First up was this beastie estimated to weigh 95lbs.

Then it was Lucy’s turn on the reel and she kept up her end of the bargain by battling another nice fish. This monster was wore out after a vigorous 15 minute fight.

Great fish handling by First Mate Alex and boat maneuvering by Captain William to ensure a safe and fun experience for all involved, fish included.

January 3, 2013

Ivan Sebastian fears no fish and he found the perfect boat for him the in Adventurer. Captain Carlos set the trolling spread up with big fish in mind, but when this monster Sailfish tore off a rigged ballyhoos even he was surprised at the force of this fish.

Only three billfish have been released on the 23-foot panga, but Ivan was determined to be lucky number four.

Fantastic boat handling and fish handling skill were displayed by the crafty Captain Carlos as Ivan Sebastian (and his brand new FishingNosara hat) bested this blue water beast.

January 2, 2013

Sam and Karen Guthrie capitalized on the swarms of Sailfish that have been blowing through our area like locusts. The mighty Wanderer put these clients in front of several super Sailfish.

After Sam fought and released the first one, it was Karen’s turn on the reel.

Wouldn’t you know that a second sail took the bait and set the table for another legendary Double Sailfish release.

Great work by Captain William putting them on the fish and First Mate Alex on the safe releases!

January 2, 2013

We should hang a sign on the Adventurer reading: “Under Construction: Great family fishing memories”

Dan and Kristine brought their young son aboard for a quick excursion just outside Garza Bay and they hauled in two nice-sized Dorados.

Looks like the kid had a ball and everyone should have a full belly to show for their efforts with over 50lbs. of fish on ice by trip’s end.