Our buddy Jeff Grosshandler of Namaste Oasis has been in town fishing with his uncle for the last week and their trip on Wednesday brought another beautiful Pacific Sail to the Wanderer.
Though Mr. Grosshandler has fished with us many times in the last two years I believe this is Jeff’s first Billfish. This is truly a mighty trophy fish for the Hoboken, NJ based angler. Looks like Jeff has the eye of the tiger!
Frank Keres returned to shore with a big smile today. He booked the Wanderer for a offshore billfish hunt and his persistence was rewarded with not one but two fish of a lifetime.
Around 1:30pm the first big fish came calling and it was a gigantic Sailfish. A great short fight and perfect release ensued; little did Frank and his group know that this monster was just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Not 15 minutes after releasing the sailfish, ‘El Cachudo Grande’ (Big Marlin in gringo) came barreling through the spread. The fight was intense but Mr. Keres managed to keep the fish calm and motivated toward the Wanderer.
Captain William expertly kept the angler in a position of strength while in the cockpit First Mate Alex billed and released the fish with his trademark fearlessness.
Excellent work by the Keres group and the mighty Wanderer!
Our great friend Jeff Grosshandler and his uncle Arthur enlisted Captain William and First Mate Alex for an offshore billfish hunt today on the mighty Wanderer. They set off for the blue water and had two good shots at Pacific Sailfish.
These guys are used to fishing the brutal waters of the Northeast Atlantic where a 120 mile trip to deep water is the norm. Quite a change of pace to ride for 15 minutes and be in 600 feet of water!
The first one spit the hook, but his buddy gulped the ballyhoo from the long shotgun line and the fight was on!
The mighty Sailfish bucked and danced, tail-walking and grey-houndingย the whole way but Arthur Grosshandler kept tension on the line as Captain William expertly backed the Wanderer toward the fish.
A brief fight ensued and First Mate Alex professionally handled and released this beauty unstressed and unharmed.
“We had a good fight and my uncle and I had a great time. Alex and William really are a great team, Alex very much impressed my uncle….he was smiles ear to ear. Plus the weather was great and hopefully we will get some more on Wednesday.”-Jeff Grosshandler
We’re looking forward to it…can’t say the same for the fish though!
Captain Atanes is the host of this show out of the Tampa / St. Petersburg / Clearwater region and the show has defined itself as the preeminent Spanish-language fishing broadcast in the whole state.
Take a listen to his fishing report from Nosara, CR:
Thanks to Captain Sergio Atanes and the whole team at ReelFishy.com!
Amazing catch from the Nosara River! This monsterous snook was caught by a local Nosara man on spinning tackle. The IGFA World Record for this fish is 57 lb 12 oz lbs. and was caught way back in 1991 in Quepos, Costa Rica.
I think it is fair to say that record is shattered, and the new title belongs to Nosara!
We’ll have more details about the angler and this amazing fish as they surface. Until then send this pic around to your buddies who think that a giant Snook is a 20 pounder; then get your passport together and get the heck on down here!
Legendary day for client Matt Bleach and his wife on the Explorer! Captain David and Mate Pipio chased the blue water break a few miles offshore and found a school of lovely Dorados that ate like they haven’t been fed in a month. By the end of the day they had caught twenty Dorados!
They also had two nice Jack Crevalles and a Bonita, but lost a really big Dorado. Clearly the greenies are here in numbers because Pipio sighted a jumping Black Marlin about half a mile behind the spread…obviously the bite is on and will continue to be for quite some time.
Meanwhile on the Wanderer client Jeff and his friends caught five Bonitas on a 2.5 hr inshore session; not great results but it’s good to keep the rods bending even if only for Bonitas.
Nice action on the Explorer today with a group of clients signing up Captain David for a half-day of fishing off Garza. They had a nice Dorado early in the day and then backed that up with an evening Amberjack weighing around 30lbs.
Excellent results for the dinner table by the 26′ Super Panga. No matter what’s happening offshore the Explorer always catches inshore species, keeping the clients smiling and the fishbox full.
The Dorado bite stayed active on December 4 when client Leslie Schwan and her group had four BIG Dorado and ended up putting two of them in the fishbox. More than enough filets to go around for these fortunate anglers.
Wow, that’s no camera trick…that fish really is taller than mate Carlos. Excellent work by Leslie Schwan and her group!
Lots of great action today as both the Wanderer and Explorer both have excellent trips to report.
Derek and Cynthia Bowker come to Nosara from the tiny town of Joesph, Oregon but this husband and wife team caught a trio of MASSIVE Sailfish in Costa Rica that should have the whole town talking.
The first one slammed the outrigger bait and Captain William was quick on the draw to snap this excellent photo:
First Mate Alex brought the monster in close and executed a perfect release.
It’s hunting buddy wasn’t far behind and torpedoed down the center exhaust alley munching baits the whole way. Alex expertly presented a naked ballyhoo rig and Sailfish number two hooked up within 25 feet of the transom.
Captain William followed some dolphins around looking for meat fish and although the Wanderer shot at a 30lbs. Tuna and a mysteriously huge Dorado, the fishbox stayed clean this time.
However the day was saved by a late Sailfish release, the third of the day. Fantastic fishing from the Oregon-based Team Bowker!