December 30, 2018

The Discoverer finished off 2018 with a bang, courtesy of this monster 350lbs. Blue Marlin release.

Angler Bob Brescia battled this beastie all the way to a safe release, and then followed up with two nice Sailfish releases.

They also added this tasty Dorado for the dinner table.

Amazing work all-around by Captain Carlos and the big battleship!

December 2, 2018

John Hickson returned to the battleship the next day and upped the ante with more great meat fish.

A big Dorado is a nice follow-up to the previous day’s catch, plus a nice Yellowfin Tuna (rare for this time of year) adds variety.

The final catch of the day was also the highlight; This small Blue Marlin release was a great send off to a fun day of fishing.

November 23, 2018

November 23 started a little slow for Craig and the Harvester, but the long morning gave way to an action-packed afternoon.

This 250+lbs. Marlin hit the starboard teaser like a bomb and put up a strong fight. The Harvester prevailed with a sweet release after a 30 minute fight.

Great fish-handling by Captain Alex to see the safe release of this monster.

November 19, 2018

Julie Edwards’ family had a big day on the 32-foot Discoverer on the 19th, highlighted by this MONSTER Blue Marlin.

They also scored a Sailfish during the day.

In addition to the safe billfish releases, this group added a nice Dorado and a Yellowfin Tuna.

Great work by Captain Carlos and the big battleship!

November 19, 2018

Captain Alex posted the trip of the season so far with Terry and Julie Edwards’ group loading up the trophy case with excellent releases.

This MASSIVE Blue Marlin was the headliner of the trip.

Shortly after that battle, the mega panga nabbed a wonderful Saifish release.

Team Edwards came inshore to finish the day, and saved the best for last…this Rooster Fish weighed 72lbs. according to the Boca Grip.

The IGFA All-Tackle Record is 114lbs., however the second place fish was 85lbs. This fish caught by the Harvester is close to the old record.

Most impressively, the record fish were in 1960 and 1954 respectively…clearly this size of Rooster Fish have not been seen in more than 5 decades.

Great work by Team Edwards and the mega panga Harvester!

November 13, 2018

Michael Busch scored big on his first day of fishing on the Discoverer…get a load of this MASSIVE Black Marlin.

This beast was followed up by a nice Pacific Sailfish.

Later in the trip they bested a nice Blue Marlin, completing the Billfish Grand Slam!

Great hunting by Captain Carlos and excellent fish-handling by Mate Kevin to see these fish safely released.

November 8, 2018

While most of Bill Harris’ group was on board the Discoverer, Mr. Harris himself took to the 28-foot barroom brawler Explorer and opened up her season with a BILLFISH GRAND SLAM!

This Blue Marlin was the highlight of the morning, and was followed by a late-day Striped Marlin. Bill nabbed the first Marlin, and Mark Scott scored the second.

A nice Pacific Sailfish by Diane Turner completed the Grand Slam.

They didn’t go home empty-handed, thanks to five nice Dorado catches spread throughout the day.

Even a small shark came up for a photo before being released.

Fantastic work by ‘El Brujo’ Captain Fico and the unstoppable Explorer!

November 8, 2018

FishingNosara Hall of Famer Bill Harris has returned and brought a big group of Tampa Bay anglers with him for several days of blue water fishing in Costa Rica.

On the Discoverer, the team of Eli Bedran, Andrew Lipps, Kelsey Harry and Laurie Harry report a fantastic Blue Marlin release (the first of the year for the big battleship) backed up by six nice Dorados.

These are real deck-sweeping Dorados!

Great work by Captain Carlos and Mate Kevin!