December 29, 2016

The Explorer fished every day during Christmas week, and the barroom brawler peeled off a run of truly world-class results.

This big Striped Marlin caught by client Lance Miller was the highlight of the week for Captain Fico, but they also nabbed a second equally awesome Striped Marlin…great fish handling by Mate Elias saw to the safe release of both billfish.

The super panga also scored this lovely Sailfish release:

With a full slate of trophy releases on the scorecard, Captain Fico also filled the fishbox with these big Dorados.

Great finish to 2016 for the powerful Explorer!

December 27, 2016

Our old pal Joe Driscoll is back for another fishing adventure; his group of friends mugged the fish last January, and now he has returned with his sons for more blue water action.

The highlight was this beefy Striped Marlin release, quite an accomplishment for a young angler.

Team Driscoll also filled the Harvester‘s fishboxes with a swarm or lovely Dorados.

All smiles for this great family of Jacksonville, FL anglers!

December 14, 2016

Our old pal Doc Hatton brought his crew down for a Merry “Fish”mas party and found excellent blue water action in their stockings. Dennis Shanahan, Fred Lewis and Rick Downing joined in on the celebration.

Their highlight from their trip on the Wanderer was this superb Black Marlin release


Then the Master Captain William tracked down a pack of feeding porpoises and swung the flagship alongside to share in the feeding frenzy:

Check out this Yellowfin Tuna on the surface…looks like the birds and dolphins will get him before we do:

Fortunately a fat Dorado escaped the feeding frenzy by chomping down on a rigged ballyhoo, and the Wanderer fought hard to bring it home.

December 6, 2016

Florida anglers Linda Moody and Kirk Langenbach enlisted Captain William for a three-day battle against blue water beasties on the Wanderer.

On the first day they got the deck bloody with a few nice Dorados.

You can see that their friend ‘Flat Jack’ joined them in spirit on this trip:

Flat Jack also enjoyed the amenities at Nosara Paradise Rentals, including an encounter with our furry mascot Bianca:

On day two they return to the flagship and this time scored a high-flying Sailfish:

Let’s see how that picture came out:


December 3, 2016

Captain William and Mate Jocxer welcomed Dan Johnson for a very productive day of offshore action. The highlight of the trip was this excellent Double Sailfish Release:

Nice to have Captain Fico of the Explorer along to lend an extra hand on this difficult fish-handling feat.

Later they had great success on a swarm of Yellowfin Tuna and Dorado: