May 18, 2013

Rita and Stephen Greenberg of Naples, FL ushered in the Yellowfin Tuna season earlier this week on the Wanderer and today returned to take a trip to Sailfish City.

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They had 9 Sailfish hit the baits on this trip as the mighty Wanderer caught and released 7 wonderful specimens.

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Stephen’s Sailfish was especially high-flying. Let’s take a look at the digitally-zoomed version…see where this Sail didn’t even get to the bait before being hooks. This ballyhoo is just along for the wild ride.

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Great work by the flagship and by the Greenbergs; only the most recent in a long line of great anglers who have come our way from the Sunshine State!

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May 17, 2013

The Wanderer hosted the A-Team to today with Craig Sutton and Matty being joined by Nosara Paradise Rentals GM Javier Hernandez and security chief Eduardo Hernandez. The action got off to a quick start with this beefy Sailfish release.

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Shortly after the release Eduardo got a big Dorado on the line and brought him all the way into the cooler. Estimated at 35lbs., this Mahi will definitely keep the farm fed for a while.
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Eduardo has been part of our family since the beginning, yet we were shocked to learn that El Gato has only fished inshore prior to this trip. Great results from what we hope is the first of many trips offshore to the blue water.

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May 16, 2013

The Wanderer welcomed Craig Sutton and Matty on May 16 for one of the rare occasion of the US Office fishing without any other guests. First Mate Alex and Captain William were joined by Junior Mate Hernan for a trip to the blue water that yield a trio of nice Sailfish releases, plus a bit of dinner for the fishbox.

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First Mate Alex stayed busy with all these Sailfish releases, plus it was a great learning opportunity for Junior Mate Hernan to see how the pros do it.
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After the Sailfish bite the Wanderer hooked-up a pair of Dorados; Craig boated the smaller one (25lbs.) quickly and easily:

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With the cow in the box, Matty fought the Bull Dorado for about 10 more minutes until the fish reared it’s head just enough for Alex to get a gaff shot:

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Three great Sailfish releases and filets on ice…just another outstanding day on the flagship Wanderer.

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April 26, 2013

The Adventurer was on the water again on April 26, this time with client Steve Kuhnz for a half-day excursion. They started the day off with some inshore nibblers and then Captain Carlos pushed offshore to find the blue water alley.

Sure enough this nice Dorado hit the rig about 3 miles from shore and Steve had the game to put it on ice.

Nice catch from the 23-foot panga that is changing all the rules for extreme panga fishing!

April 8, 2013

John Hislop and hjs group are the next in line to represent North Carolina in our ongoing battle with bluewater billfish. These folks ain’t playing around either; have three trips planned this week and the first one brought a pair of wonderful Sailfish releases plus a decent Dorado for the dinner table.

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This high-flying Sailfish hit the bait around 12:45 and before the clock struck 1 this bad boy was safely released. Very efficient fight coupled with excellent boat handling and a clean bill shot…all in a day’s work for the mighty Wanderer.

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A half-hour later the Hislop party put this Dorado on ice. This is a great way to start your week in Nosara with filets ready to go.

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The walk-off shot came just after 3pm when another mean Sailfish hit the hook.

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This fight was intense and the fish was strong, but once again the Wanderer had a counter for every punch it could throw and achieved a clean release at 3:20pm

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Let’s hope this is a sign of good things to come for these Tar Heel state anglers as they take two more trips to the blue water this week.

March 18, 2013

Earl Newton is a old boat man from Jacksonville, FL who we met back in April when we purchased FishingNosara’s next great vessel the Discoverer. We instantly became good friends and he has served as an advisor on The Discoverer Project since the beginning.

Of course you can’t hang around us very long until we talk you into going to Nosara, and sure enough Earl and his posse spent a relaxing week at Nosara Paradise Rentals plus took to the water to hunt down some Pacific billfish.

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We are stoked to report that Earl and the boys absolutely knocked it out of the park on their fishing days with multiple Sailfish releases and some tasty Dorados for the dinner table.

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Great work by a great friend on the Discoverer‘s sister ship the mighty Wanderer.

March 10, 2013

The billfish were scarce today, so the crafty Captain William switched up the spread on the Wanderer to target some dinner-time filets. As always the flagship delivered the goods for client Henry Noguera and his group.

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In all they boated four nice Dorados with the big one estimated at 40lbs.

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Great work by the blue beauty that always brings home the bacon!


February 15, 2013

Glen Sutherland booked the Adventurer for a half-day excursion and the little 23-foot panga put Glen on top of big fish! Dorado was the most popular item on the menu and the lethal weapon hauled in several nice fish. Here is the biggest one:

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They also caught a handful of Bonitas; not worth keeping but still nice to have the rods bend throughout the trip.

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February 10, 2013

Russell Triplett and his lady had a wonderful day of action on the flagship, highlighted by His and Hers Sailfish releases and a monster Dorado for the dinner table.

Russell caught the first sailfish and just when she swam away freely after the release a second line popped off the report of a strike.

First Mate Alex switched the spread over from billfish to meatfish in the afternoon and once again the flagship delivered the goods for her clients. Take a look as this monster Dorado estimated to weigh over 45lbs.

Need some help holding that fish, Russell? I think she can handle it for ya:

 Another super day on the big blue beauty Wanderer!

February 8, 2013

Another nice showing from Dennis Seltsam on his second day aboard the Wanderer. This time Mrs. Seltsam took the bull by the horns with the first fish in the box; This tasty Dorado is just a little bigger than the bull bested by Dennis on the 7th.

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Not to be outdone, Mr. Seltsam released another 80+lbs. Sailfish to match his effort from the previous trip.

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Lots of fun action for this Kentucky-based fishing couple!

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