Fresh off their tournament catches, Heidi and Jim O’Callaghan joined the Harvester on April 3 and scored a floor-sweeper Dorado.
Tag: Harvester
March 30, 2023
On March 30, Matty and Bridget Jorn scored six 25lbs. Yellowfin Tunas on a quick afternoon trip with the Harvester.
March 30, 2023
On March 30 the Harvester nagged a Double Sailfish release along with several solo releases.
Doardo and Yellowfin Tuna filets were added to their icebox.
March 28, 2023
The Harvester scored a wonderful Blue Marlin release and brought home a dinner-sized Dorado on March 28.
March 27, 2023
On March 27, the mega panga Harvester welcomed angler Van Coughlin for a very productive day of fish-catching. A nice Sailfish release was the highlight:
They also boated a whopper Dorado backed-up with several nice Yellowfin Tunas.
March 18, 2023
Team Tedrick scored again on March 18 with the mega panga Harvester keeping the decks bloody and the fishbox full.
They also released a nice Sailfish.
Marine nature was on full display; check out this close encounter with a bottlenose dolphin.
They also hooked up this Shark, and cut the line before it took a finger!
March 17, 2023
The Harvester was stoked to welcome the Marciano family on March 17 for a nice day of fish catching.
An early Dorado broke the ice, then the balance of the day was spent gathering Yellowfin Tunas and bigger Dorados.
March 15, 2023
Jason Scopp booked the mega panga on the 15th and found excellent action for the second year in row.
Excellent Dorados and Yellowfin Tunas filled up the scorecard. Great job by the Harvester.
March 14, 2023
On March 14, Matt Holmes’ group had a blast on the Harvester highlighted by this beautiful Sailfish release:
They scored a Yellowfin Tuna and Dorado for the dinner table. Excellent performance by Captain Wilson and the mega panga.
March 13, 2023
The Harvester scored two Dorados, three Yellowfin Tunas, and a Sailfish release on March 13 with angler Bill Forner.