December 8, 2018

Captain Alex is always ready to embrace a new fishing challenge, so when fly-fishing enthusiast Mike Williams chartered on December 8 the Harvester was ready for the challenge.

Captain Alex retracted the outrigger and Mate Kevin worked a teaser bait until Mike offered the fly to this big Dorado:

After this excellent catch, Team Williams turned to the conventional tackle and loaded up on a multitude of big Dorados.

That’s three nice smiles right there!

Great work by the crew of the mega panga!

November 24, 2018

Craig stayed inshore on the 24th and scored two excellent species using live Bonita rigs.

This Cubera Snapper is delightful table fare and should keep everyone fed for the week.

Later in the trip, this Rooster fish managed to hit the hook but miss the Bonita…fortunately the Harvester released this, the dumbest fish on the reef.

Better luck next time, Einstein!