January 21, 2017

Our great friend Dr. Bart Carey enlisted the battleship for a blue water mission on January 21 and the Discoverer did not disappoint.

This mini-Marlin was a fun fish to fight, and Mate Juan Carlos was very careful with the fish-handling. After all we gotta catch this guy again in a few years when it’s a mammoth.

They rounded out the trip with the release of a nice sized Sailfish and the filleting of beefy Dorado.

January 19, 2017

Herbert Heinrich and his son scored the fish of a lifetime with Captain William aboard the mighty Wanderer.

This magnificent Blue Marlin was no match for the flagship and Mr. Heinrich on the reel.

No hard feeling about the Los Suenos hat young man…your Dad’s shirt makes up for it!

Great work by Mate Johnny and Captain William on this excellent Marlin release.

January 18, 2017

David White and the Harvester turned in a performance worthy of the FishingNosara Hall of Fame on January 18.

First up with this challenging Double Sailfish release, with Mate Kevin on the assist.

These were the first of five Sailfish releases on the trip.

The highlight came late in the day with this 200+lbs. Marlin Release.

January 5, 2017

The Harvester got the New Year off to a great start, scoring big with this stunning 300lbs. Blue Marlin release.

Great fight from Captain Alex and superb fish handling by Mate Kevin to see this wonderful monster released.

Later on they followed up with a great Sailfish release.

The Mega Panga is rocking and rolling for 2017, which spells trouble for big blue water beasties.

January 4, 2017

The blue water came incredibly close to shore in first week of January, and Captain David of the Adventurer took advantage of the near shore clarity to capture the biggest fish in the history of the boat.

Client Joseph Cannistraci hooked up this MASSIVE 350lbs. Blue Marlin and fought it all the way to the boat.

Captain David performed the single-handed leader release and let this fish swim back out to deeper waters where it belongs…excellent work by the 23-foot switchblade Adventurer!

December 31, 2016

Texas anglers Mike Cotton, David Moss, and Leah Merryfield finished up the year on the Discoverer with a day chock full of great blue water action.


The big catch of the day was this sweet Blue Marlin release by Mr. Moss.

After the safe release Captain Carlos discovered a hungry band of big Dorados. Check out this monster scored by Mike Cotton:


December 29, 2016

The Explorer fished every day during Christmas week, and the barroom brawler peeled off a run of truly world-class results.

This big Striped Marlin caught by client Lance Miller was the highlight of the week for Captain Fico, but they also nabbed a second equally awesome Striped Marlin…great fish handling by Mate Elias saw to the safe release of both billfish.

The super panga also scored this lovely Sailfish release:

With a full slate of trophy releases on the scorecard, Captain Fico also filled the fishbox with these big Dorados.

Great finish to 2016 for the powerful Explorer!

December 27, 2016

Our old pal Joe Driscoll is back for another fishing adventure; his group of friends mugged the fish last January, and now he has returned with his sons for more blue water action.

The highlight was this beefy Striped Marlin release, quite an accomplishment for a young angler.

Team Driscoll also filled the Harvester‘s fishboxes with a swarm or lovely Dorados.

All smiles for this great family of Jacksonville, FL anglers!

December 15, 2016

Doc Hatton, Dennis Shanahan, Fred Lewis and Rick Downing had a great day with huge results on the mega panga Harvester. The day started with a true fish-of-a-lifetime…take a gander at this awesome Blue Marlin:

Great fish handling by Mate Kevin to ensure the safety of both fish and anglers. After the safe release, Captain Alex criss-crossed the area hoping to find more fired-up billfish.

After an hour of trolling a second bad Blue Marlin took the hook.


Another great release by the Mega Panga!

Captain Alex kept his foot on the gas as Team Hatton knocked-out a pair of high-flying Sailfish releases to end the day.

This one broke off the leader right next to the boat, but what an amazing display of above-the-water combat.

This release brought to a close a crazy day of action the the mighty Harvester.