December 31, 2015

Morgan and Kenny brought the year to a close with a monster performance on December 31, highlighted by the FishingNosara team’s first-ever Triple Sailfish Release!

We’ve caught up to four Sailfish simultaneously in the past, but never had enough hands on deck to safely handle more than two at a time for pictures.

First Mate Alex has been training the new Mates as he waits until the Harvester arrives, and fate would have it that he was on hand to coordinate this amazing photo.

These Virginia-based anglers scored a few more Sails to round out the trip later in the day.

July 19, 2012

Morgan Trible has done it again! He earned his third enshrinement to the FishingNosara Hall of Fame on July 19 with a ridiculous 5 Sailfish released on the Wanderer. The action started early and never stopped with released reported at 9:30am, 10am, 11:30am, 1:16pm and 2:30pm.

We’ll let the pictures do the talking:

This action can only be described as World-Class, and the performance turned in by Morgan Trible, Richard Harris, and the rest of the group is cer

We bid farewell to Morgan for now, but we know that it won’t be long until this Virginia-based Hall of Famer is back in Nosara to experience more of the best sportfishing in Costa Rica.

July 17, 2012

Richard Harris and Morgan Trible enlisted the mighty blue Wanderer for their second of three trips and the offshore harvester was ready for work; however the legendary Captain William would not be along for this trip as he recently suffered a cut to his foot.

The doctors say he will be back in action in no time, and until then the helm of the Wanderer is being manned by her long time First Mate.

Captain Alex Moreno brought along Carlos of Explorer / Adventurer fame and these two young guns put on a show for Morgan and his dad. First up was a awesome Dorado estimated to weigh 30lbs.

Close on the heels of the tasty Mahi was an equally scrumptious Yellowfin Tuna also tipping the scales north of 25lbs.

With dinner accounted for, Alex and Carlos set out the billfish spread and like clockwork a powerful Pacific Sailfish came tearing through the spread just after 1pm.

Richard Harris kept the line taut as Alex spun the Wanderer into the evasive fish. Carlos kept things in order in the cockpit and Mr. Harris released his first-ever Pacific Sailfish at just after 1:20pm.

Great work as always by the crew to keep this fish calm and unstressed for another safe release!

Morgan and Richard have one more full day on the Wanderer so lets keep our fingers crossed for continuing great action.

July 16, 2012

Hall of Famer Morgan Trible has brought along a very special guest for a week of fishing in Costa Rica: His father Mr. Richard Harris!

They joined Captain David on the Explorer for their first fishing foray and the unstoppable Super Panga delivered the goods! They knocked out a few big Jack Crevelles and caught a very tasty Ponpano.

The highlight of the trip was a 35lbs. Rooster fish release, a first for both Morgan and Rick.

They also lost a gigantic Cuberra Snapper on a topwater plug; usually these beasts don’t come up to the surface and the fact that this one did is a good sign. Morgan and Richard have more trips planned this week so keep an eye on these monster anglers. 

April 12, 2012

Morgan Trible and Kenny Strickler have built reputations as the most consistent anglers in the area. Hailing from the hard fishing state of Virginia, these guys seem to post Hall of Fame-caliber results every time they hit the water.

On this, their third trip of the week, the boys had a pair of early afternoon Sailfish attack the spread but spit the hooks. They deployed this special live bait spread to coax up another billfish:

The ladies were back in the boat for only 5 minutes before a mack-daddy Sailfish came for a visit. The fight was thrilling but quick as these Virginian’s added another great Sailfish release to their scorecard.

I love the ‘everyone look somewhere besides the camera’ pose here.

Also check out the blue FishingNosara coozie on the right; we have been out of stock of blue coozies for quite some time now, which means one of the guys brought it along from home. Hold on to that coozie, bud…it’s good luck!

With First Mate Alex’s careful assistance, Morgan released this Sailfish clean and ready to fight another day.

April 10, 2012

Hall of Famers Morgan Trible and Kenny Strickler have struck again! They booked the Wanderer on April 10 and released 2 two Blue Marlins (200lbs. and 400lbs.) plus added two Dorados (13lbs.-30lbs.)

Looks like Kenny just can’t let go of this great fish. Finally Morgan and First Mate Alex pried her away and released her safe as always.

July 30, 2011

The rain cleared up after a few days on July 30 and we were amped to have the Wanderer back in the water. With the real rainy season looming in September, we are primed to squeeze every drop of fishing out of the record year of 2011.

Hall of Famer Morgan Tribble of Virgina and his buddy Micah from South Carolina were in Nosara for a long weekend and they had their sights set on action-packed fishing. Joined by their friends Arianna and Alexandra, this quartet had an absolute blast on top of the reefs today.

Utilizing a slow troll with occasional drifting, the Wanderer stayed right on a swarm of football-sized Yellowfin tunas. In total, this posse of anglers boated fourteen of these tasty Yella Fellas.

Morgan looks pretty comfy on his Thone of Yella Fellas. Great action as always from the boat that doesn’t know the meaning of the phrase “off-season”.

Ship of Fools Tournament Recap – March 27, 2011

FishingNosara made a great splash at the Ship of Fools Tournament held in our home port of Garza, CR. This tournament focuses on Marlins and Sailfish and features some of the best captains in the area plus attracts big money fishing teams from around the world.

With bragging rights on the line, we decided to up the ante by enlisting Captain David and the Explorer which put us on the smallest boat in the field. The more conventional choice would have been Captain William and the 32′ Wanderer, but the blue beauty was already booked by clients Kenny, Woods, Morgan, and Dave.

Jumping Sailfish Costa Rica

The Explorer roared out of Garza with authority on the morning of March 26 with fresh lines, new baits, and AC/DC’s “Hells Bells” blasting from the newly-installed stereo system.

The awkward glances from the other boats turned into admiration as the 26′ Super Panga lit up the scorecard with this Sailfish release, the first of the tournament.

Sailfish Costa Rica

By midday several other boats were reporting billfish releases and the Explorer slipped down the standings a bit. However, the boat reporting the most billfish releases was not one of the other tournament boats…it was the Wanderer!

Costa Rica Fishing

We took this shot from the Explorer while Alex, William, and the boys on the Wanderer were reeling in a Marlin fresh after releasing a sailfish. By the end of the first day, the Explorer was in the middle of the pack and the Wanderer would have been winning (if they had been entered in the tournament, that is).

The second day was similar to the first. We had a nice Sailfish release early in the morning, then missed on a few nice fish. The Explorer caught a nice Roosterfish but unfortunately this tournament did not offer any points for that species.

In the end, the Explorer finished in fourth place with 200 points. The Wanderer would have unofficially come in second with 825 points over the two days.

Most importantly was that all the boats and crews came to respect a 26′ Super Panga capable of catching monster fish over 20 miles offshore. We have been saying that this boat has the capabilities of a 40+ foot craft since the beginning, and the Ship of Fools Tournament was  our chance to prove it.

Captain David

Great work by Captain David and the whole FishingNosara family.