November 23, 2022

FishingNosara Hall of Famer Dan Johnson had a great day with his family on November 23.

The Hatteras, NC native was joined by returning anglers Delaney Johnshon and Toni Bustos.


Team Johnson scored nine Dorados, five Red Groupers, and a big tasty Congrio.

The awesome haul on the Wanderer found it’s way to Marlin Bill’s for an excellent end-of-day dinner.

November 17, 2022

Dan Johnson from Hatteras, NC celebrated his 60th birthday with his family fishing on the Wanderer and Discoverer.

The birthday boy himself was on the Discoverer overseeing a big haul of meatfish; big Dorado and multiple Yellowfin Tunas.

They also moved inshore and pulled up some tasty Red Groupers.

The Wanderer stayed rail-to-rail with the Discoverer, and the other half of the Johnson family scored several super billfish releases.

The Wanderer scored their own pile of filets with multiple Dorados and Yellowfin Tunas on ice.

The Wanderer‘s scorecard was highlighted by a 450lbs. Black Marlin release and two Sailfish releases.

All billfish safe released as always.

They celebrated with a family birthday dinner at Marlin Bill’s.

Happy B-day Dan!

October 1, 2022

Dan Johnson from Hatteras, NC finished up his 23rd full day of fishing with FishingNosara since the end of the pandemic (Oct. 1, 2021).

He was joined by friends Captain David Barrantes (of the Adventurer), Toni Bustos, Danny Jiron, and Bryan Gomez.

They had a great catch of Red Groupers and Congrio.

Also, they had a Blue Marlin crash the left teaser three times but it wouldn’t take the pitch bait. About 15 minutes later a Blue Marlin attacked the right long teaser and after a few jumps rushed the boat and bit the hook in half.

September 29, 2022

Dan Johnson from Hatteras NC took friends Antonio Carrillo Carrillo, David Barrantes, and Diddier Gutierrez for a full day fishing on the

They caught 21 Red Groupers, two Congrios, one Dorado, and 20 Pochotes.

The whole crew and other guests enjoyed the catch prepared at Marlin Bill‘s Restaurant

July 19, 2022

Captain David had a nice run of trips in early July, highlighted by nice inshore action on Red Grouper and Yellowfin Tuna.

In mid-July, there was a small accident with the Transporter (the ship-to-shore panga boat) that left Mate Kevin of the Discoverer with a serious case of bruised ribs.

Fortunately for the team, Captain David came to the rescue to assist Captain Carlos in the mate position on the big battleship.


After a fun couple of weeks of billfish releases offshore, Captain David returned to the Adventurer for a great trip with our old pal Mark Cooney reporting multiple excellent Yellowfin Tunas.