February 13, 2017

Mario Hoffman’s group scored big inshore fish with the Explorer on February 11th and 13th.

Early scores of meat fish were welcome in the fishbox, and these Rooster Fish releases were also a thrill:

Also they nabbed one of the larger Rock Snappers that we have seen in a long time:

Great work by Captain Fico on the Explorer!

July 29, 2016

Brandon and Lindsay Overbay took to the Adventurer for a great day off inshore fishing on July 29, highlighted by a trio of MASSIVE Cubera Snappers:


They also nabbed a nice Rock Snapper, very similar to the Cubera but with a lighter shade of red and a different fin pattern.

Captain David is a fish catching machine and he can not be stopped on the 23-foot switchblade.



April 3, 2016

The sun rose on another great month of inshore action on the Adventurer.

She scored the usual allotment of Cubera Snappers and Rock Snappers.

Then they added this tasty delicacy: the elusive Congrio:

The highlight of the month was this nice Sailfish caught just five miles from shore.

When the big fish wander too close the shore, the Adventurer will be waiting for them.

Great work on the catch and the safe release from the 23-foot pocket knife Adventurer.

May 8, 2015

Vicky Martinko provided the curtain call for her honeymoon fishing adventure on May 8 as Captain David set her up for a pair of trophy fish releases.

After an early morning Sailfish release, Captain David took the battleship inshore for a fantastic Rooster Fish release.

Great fish-handling by Mate Juan Carlos to get this fish back in the water after the photo…looks like Vicky did want to let go so easily!

They also scored a big Rock snapper for the dinner table.

Great end to a great week of fishing for these newlyweds!