Teresa Schilhab’s boys scored a lovely pair of Rooster Fish releases on board the battleship Discoverer:
Nice work by Captain David to ensure the safe release of both of these beauties.
Costa Rica Fishing Report from FishingNosara
Costa Rica Fishing Report Archive | FishingNosara
Teresa Schilhab’s boys scored a lovely pair of Rooster Fish releases on board the battleship Discoverer:
Nice work by Captain David to ensure the safe release of both of these beauties.
Sweet Rooster fish release on the battleship Discoverer on July 8.
Safely returned to the water as always…see you soon buddy!
The Wanderer stayed inshore with Shirley Smith’s group and delivered beautiful Rooster Fish action.
These beasts put a lot of strain on our Penn Slammers, but the gold reels held up to the fight.
The Discoverer scored a double whammy on trophy releases with client Brian Clark. The day started with this lovely Rooster Fish release:
Then the big score came in the afternoon in the form of a huge Black Marlin.
Estimated over 300lbs. this whopper is certainly the fish of lifetime for Mr. Clark.
The mighty Wanderer stayed inshore on May 20 and knocked off a bucket-list caliber Rooster Fish:
Safe released as usual by First Mate Alex.
They also got hooked into the very rare Spotted Eagle Ray. Here is what they look like in the water:
It is very unusual for one of these to hit a bait, and since they are a near-threatened species Captain William order the ray released without taking it from the water.
Nice work to retrieve the hook so that this creature can breed back to normal levels.
Vicky Martinko provided the curtain call for her honeymoon fishing adventure on May 8 as Captain David set her up for a pair of trophy fish releases.
After an early morning Sailfish release, Captain David took the battleship inshore for a fantastic Rooster Fish release.
Great fish-handling by Mate Juan Carlos to get this fish back in the water after the photo…looks like Vicky did want to let go so easily!
They also scored a big Rock snapper for the dinner table.
Great end to a great week of fishing for these newlyweds!
Newlyweds Daniel and Vicky Martinko brought their talents over to the Super Panga and the Explorer scored excellent fish for these clients. Check out this mammoth Wahoo:
Daniel followed up with a pair of big Rooster fish releases:
Great work by Captain Carlos and Mate Kevin for these awesome anglers!
Client Max Kellogg scored a mighty Marlin with the flagship Wanderer on May 2.
This high-flying monster put up a heck of a fight, but Max kept the heat on her aided by Captain William’s masterful boat handling:
Look carefully at the :08 mark…How the heck does he keep perfect pace to keep the Marlin alongside while still sneaking out from behind the wheel to take this picture?
Cause he is a badass. That’s how.
Nice fish-handling by First Mate Alex to see the fish and angler safely separated to fight another day.
Max followed up this fish of a lifetime with a few Sailfish releases.
Then they closed out the day with a picture-perfect Rooster fish release.
“We just got back.ย Got a 300# Blue, 2 decent sized Sailfish, and a nice Rooster, probably 40#+. ย Lost a couple of small dorado. ย ย Came in about 2:30. ย Great trip – perfect conditions!”
Chuck Harris is a multiple time Hall of Famer who brings down a strong-fishing posse every time he shows up. On May 1st Chuck was over on the Discoverer tearing it up offshore, while his buddies took the flagship to Pincha Padre to ply the inshore action.
This Rooster fish was an excellent start to the day, which also included super Snapper action.
Whatchu lookin’ at?
Great day all around for these guys who still have a big week of fishing ahead!
The Wanderer welcome a great group of Texas anglers for a three day battle versus the big boys roaming the streets of Sailfish City.
Lance Lolley won this trip through his local chapter of the Coastal Conservation Association and Captain William delivered the goods for these Lone Star anglers.
They also added a Rooster fish release on their final trip of the week to augment their full scorecard of Sailfish releases.
Great work by Lance Lolley and the mighty Wanderer.