March 6, 2013

Scott Walcott is a tough-as-nails fisherman from the Bay of Quinte on the north shore of Lake Ontario. He and his brother joined Captain William on the Wanderer to try his hand at some warm weather fishing and were treated with the quintessential bucket list bottom fish: Rooster!

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They captured and released two beautiful specimens with a fly rod. Our team is always fired up to try new techniques and flycasting for the powerful surface striking Rooster fish certainly had the boys grinning.

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Great work by First Mate Alex on the safe releases as the Wanderer proves once again that there is no type of fishing that she can’t do.

February 2, 2013

Ronnie and Patty Soud of Jacksonville have long been friends of ours here at FishingNosara, and it was a real thrill to see these great folks capture a true fish of a lifetime with Captain David on theย Explorer.

This 40+lbs. Roosterfish release is a bucket-list item for many anglers yet the Souds made it look easy. Safe fish handling and release by Captain David and a great memory for Ronnie and Patty…all in a day’s work!

July 20, 2012

Jenny Brown and her buddies booked a quick morning 2.5 hour trip this morning and the Wanderer found hot action for the duration of the trip. They group caught five Bonitas, then rigged up one of them with hooks and sent it swimming deep.

ย An immediate massive strike wowed the anglers, and once this 45lbs. Rooster fish surfaced everyone was thrilled.


First Mate Alex carefully captured, photographed, and released the fish with little stress and we look forward to catching this beauty again.


It’s been a record season for Rooster fish releases, and this may be one of the nicest ones yet. Great work!

July 16, 2012

Hall of Famer Morgan Trible has brought along a very special guest for a week of fishing in Costa Rica: His father Mr. Richard Harris!

They joined Captain David on the Explorer for their first fishing foray and the unstoppable Super Panga delivered the goods! They knocked out a few big Jack Crevelles and caught a very tasty Ponpano.

The highlight of the trip was a 35lbs. Rooster fish release, a first for both Morgan and Rick.

They also lost a gigantic Cuberra Snapper on a topwater plug; usually these beasts don’t come up to the surface and the fact that this one did is a good sign. Morgan and Richard have more trips planned this week so keep an eye on these monster anglers.ย 

July 2, 2012

Daniel and his son had a near perfect day on the indestructable Explorer today with lots of fish filets for the fridge plus a trio of Rooster releases for the trophy mantle.

The day began with three tasty Rainbow Runners (also called Rainbow Tunney) and a nice Ambejack. Then they hit paydirt with this first of three Roosters:

They also caught 10 Dorados over 10-15lbs+ for the dinner table. Great well-rounded half day from Captain David and the Explorer.

June 29, 2012

Excellent performance on the Wanderer for our new pals Jesse Felt and Erik Snelgrave. These San Josa, California anglers got off to a hot start with a small Dorado and a Yellowtail Snapper on ice before you could say “cowabunga”. They then got serious with a pair of beautiful Rooster fish releases.

Look, all three of those guys have the same hairstyle!

Great work by Captain William who has kept the Wanderer parked on top of Rooster fish all month…June 2012 goes up as our best ever Rooster fish month with a total of 13 releases.

Click for all Rooster Fish releases

Starting on June 1, the FishingNosara team had one trip with a single release, two doubles, two triples, and a quadruple release…The Rooster Fish Cycle for all you baseball fans out there (I see you out there Brooke S., viva Gigantes!)

June 26, 2012

The Wanderer pulled double-duty today with a pair of trips on the schedule. The morning trip featured our new friend Todd Lupton who is in Nosara after purchasing a prize package at a Coastal Conservation Association auction. FishingNosara is proud to be associated with this charitable organization dedicated to marine conservationism and even more excited when we can welcome guests like the Luptons.

These Naples, FL based anglers showed once again that Sunshine State fisherman are truly the class of the world as the party released and unheard-of FOUR ROOSTER FISH on just a 5 hour trip.

To think we were losing our minds with excitement over the triple Rooster release that Wayne Estes pulled off a week ago, and now we’ve had our first ever quad-Rooster release. Great work by the Lupton family and the mighty Wanderer on this landmark accomplishment!

On the afternoon trip, Dennis Paul and the boys hauled in a few dinners in the form of four 20 lbs. Dorados. Not his best trip of the week, but Dennis sets the bar for himself pretty high.

June 23, 2012

James Catalano is a South Tampa fella who came to Nosara to ply the skills he’s acquired in the challenging fishery of Tampa Bay. He enlisted the Wanderer for a quick 2.5 hour morning trip and Captain William set this party up right on top of the reef.

They hooked up two Jack Crevelles right away, then James tossed a top water plug to this beautiful Rooster fish.

Looks like First Mate Alex has been putting in time on the weight bench. Like all our Rooster fish catches, this majestic marine beast was released.

Great work by James Catalano on such a short trip!

June 22, 2012

Two time Hall of Famer Dennis Paul has returned to Nosara for another four day fishing expedition. His first trip of the week was on the Explorer with Captain David and around 9am Dennis cemented his world-class reputation with this Hall of Fame caliber Rooster Fish:

This monster is one of the biggest pez gallo we have ever seen and upon releasing it Captain David estimate her at 80+ lbs.

Dennis Paul added a few nice Yellowfin Tunas for the dinner table after becoming the 1st three-time FishingNosara Hall of Famer; it is also worth pointing out that his three enshrined fish were all different species.

Mr. Paul still has three days of fishing coming up so look out for this red-hot angler.

June 19, 2012

Waynes Estes and his son Trevor were back on the Wanderer today and were determined to hunt the reef dwellers. Trevor caught the first fish of the day, this rare and elusive Blue Jack Crevelle.

In fact the Jacks were thick all day as the Estes’ boys mopped up the Crevalles.

Check out Wayne’s old-school FishingNosara T-shirt…this ain’t no first timer folks!

The action heated up in a major way in the afternoon as not one, not two, but THREE Roosterfish found the hooks. This comes on the heels of the Wanderer‘s double Rooster day last week.

Fantastic work by this Jacksonville-based Father and son fishing team!

All three pez gallo were released safely and we look forward to catching them many more times.