January 9, 2012

Calm seas and clear water meant that January 9 was a perfect day for a family snorkeling trip. Client Jens Mickstrom from Denmark booked the Explorer for a combination snorkeling/fishing excursion and had a great time with his wife and kids.

In these pictures the Danes are taking a break on a reef outcropping just a few feet below the surface. Excellent navigation by Captain David in showing these clients all the good underwater vistas all the while maintaining overwatch on the snorkelers.

Another safe and fun Safari Tour from FishingNosara!

September 22, 2011

The Ostinal Turtle Migration is in full effect! From August to December these ancient creatures arrive to nearby Playa Ostinal to lay their eggs; after 14 days the hatchlings make a mad dash for the sea. Due to human interference, there are only 6 places left on Earth where this phenomenon can be witnessed.

If you are planning on visiting the Nosara area in the next few months you do not want to miss this event. FishingNosara offers guided Safari Tours to Ostinal for both the arrividad and regresso, so make sure you plan a day for the turtles.

Kayak Safari Tour

The Kayak Safari Tours are already hugely popular with the nature-appreciating, outdoor-adventuring crowd; now it is finally catching on with the fishing crowd. This river is chock full of Mangrove Snapper and Snook, so on your next Nosara trip you may want to take a day off of blue water fishing to sample this tranquil day of paddling and casting.

August 2, 2011

The Wanderer relaxed today with a nice nature tour.

First he was happy to welcome the Portel family for a morning nature tour where they saw dolphins, birds, whales and some particularly amorous turtles.

This is a common site in our area since we are just a few kilometers south of the Ostinal National Refuge which host one of the largest sea turtle spawning in the world.

May 19, 2011

Ben Richards and Alysia returned home from Nosara today, but before they left they went on the FishingNosara Kayak Safari tour. Check out these great pictures of fishing the scenic Nosara River Mouth.

The Kayak Safari Tours are already hugely popular with the nature appriciating outdoor adventuring crowd; now it is finally catching on with the fishing crowd. This river is chock full of Mangrove Snapper and Snook, so on your next Nosara trip you may want to take a day off of blue water fishing to sample this tranquil day of paddling and casting.

March 28, 2011

Brian Ware is part of a proud tradition of Northeast Florida anglers who have bested massive Marlins on the Wanderer. It seems that the blue beauty can sense that her anglers are from her former port of call, and she delivers the goods when a Jacksonville residents are on board.

Costa Rica Marlin

Close up Marlin

Wanderer Costa Rica Fishing Boat

In addition to this great Marlin catch, Brian and his party also took to the river on our Kayak Safari. They still have some fishing days planned so look out for more domination from the Jacksonville locals.

Kayak Costa Rica

January 6, 2011

The Explorer offers a wide variety of adventure options besides Extreme Panga Fishing. She is the perfect size for snorkeling trips, hunting unreachable surf breaks, and (in the case of today) taking a Marine Nature Tour.

They saw lots of dolphins, manta rays, and sea turtles. Plus this little marlin bird hitched a ride on the prow of the Explorer for a while. Everyone had a great time!