February 6, 2012

The Explorer notched another great sunset trip with client Sean and his young friends. In just three short hours they boated a handful of Yellowfin Tuna and  nice Jack Crevalle.

The inshore reefs around Garza are as familiar to Captain David as the back of his own hand and once again he put the Explorer directly on top of the fish. Great fishing performance from Sean, Captain David, and the unstoppable Explorer.

February 5, 2012

What a great trip for Colorado angler John Betz! He and the wife put in the hours necessary for bill fishing success and their temporal investments paid huge dividends.

The highlight of the trip with this incredible Striped Marlin (safe released as always), but Mrs. Betz backed up that monster with a beastie of her own: this beautiful Pacific Sailfish.

Another fantastic trip from Captain William and the world-famous Wanderer!

February 4, 2012

Derrill McCrary kept up the amazing fishing as he once again enlisted Captain William and the Wanderer. After wearing out the billfish yesterday, this time they set their sights on good eating fish and what they found exceeded even their wildest expectations.

The found an eager school of Dorados who fought with predictable vigor but alas were no match for Derrill McCrary and the mighty Wanderer. The group is pictured with the biggest of the bunch plus they had several smaller specimens on ice.

Check out this email we received from Derrill:

We arrived back home last night and wanted to let you know we enjoyed our fishing time with William and Alex. They are both very professional and know what they are doing.

Our first day was a good one with 3 Sails, 1 Striped Marlin and 2 Dorado. The Sails were a double header which made it very exciting.

The second day was much slower with a triple header of Dorado.

Your crew shows a lot of concern for the fish and we appreciated their efforts to make sure the fish swimming freely before the let them go.

Thanks again for a very good fishing trip,

Derrill McCrary

Javier on the Radio – February 4, 2012

Check out El Jefe on the air of the famous La Buena Pescas Programa de Radio on the morning of February 4, 2012.

Javier tells Captain Atanes about our recent Grand Slam, fishing at the Nosara River mouth, and the ease of traveling to Nosara. Take a listen:

Thanks to Captain Sergio Atanes and the whole team at ReelFishy.com!

February 2, 2012

FishingNosara has been working for years to dispel certain myths about fishing in Costa Rica, namely that the fishery is world-class yet the boats and tackle are the exact opposite. Our reputation for top-notch tackle and aggressive fishing proceeded us when we received a call from Derrell McCrary.

Mr. McCrary was fishing on another boat in the  area back in December when he noticed that FishingNosara was catching monsters while he was catching minnows. He booked a full day on the Wanderer and this time we vowed that his fishing experience would be world class.

Captain William pointed the mighty Wanderer south and found the blue water break just 6 miles offshore. The spread was working early in the day, snaring a pair of nice Dorados (Mahi-Mahi) that weighed 30lbs. each. Here is one of the tasty green morsels:

After a brief spell of nothing biting, the 1pm Sailfish bite lit up and two hungry Pacific Sailfish came tearing through the spread. First Mate Alex coordinated the fights and the releases, notching the Wanderer‘s scorecard with three more excellent billfish releases including a double header Sailfish release.

This performance certainly exorcised the Costa Rica fishing demons for Derrell McCrary, but FishingNosara’s reputation wasn’t built on meeting expectations but on exceeding them. That is why after 7 great hours of fishing the mighty Wanderer still had a trick up her sleeve.

This 180lbs. Striped Marlin releases is the third of the month for Captain William and proves that the FishingNosara flagship Wanderer is indeed the top boat in the area; she is a vessel that flourishes where other fail.

February 1, 2012

Legendary day for the mighty Wanderer and the Zach Condon group. This New Hampshire-based angler has seen the results put up by Captain William and First Mate Alex for other New Englanders (most recently the Mukon family) and he immediately booked a full day on the on the flagship.

Zach said they wanted billfish…Fishin’ Accomplished!

As usual the big blue beast delivered the goods for these clients who released a MASSIVE 300+lbs. Blue Marlin and backed that up with a 180lbs. Striped Marlin. They also had a Sailfish but lost it right next to the boat, literally inches from the second Grand Slam of the young season for the Wanderer.

First up was the bad Blue Marlin…this guy is a monster even by Costa Rican standards! Amazing teamwork to safely land this monster and set up a safe Marlin release.

Looks like we need to get a wide angle lens for the camera!

We talk a lot about successful billfish being the result of combining the right boat, angler, and tackle for the job. This dedication to teamwork and precision was on display an hour later when another bodacious billfish beckoned.

Look at this picture from the Striped Marlin battle, and take careful note of everyone’s eyes:

  • The angler’s eyes are on locked on the fish and she is focused on maintaining tension and winning back line from the Marlin.
  • Her assistant is baling the line back on to the spool properly, thus freeing the angler from worrying about the tackle.
  • First Mate Alex is watching the tip of the rod for clues on the Marlin’s next move. He can tell by the faintest jerk or vibration of the rod tip if the fish is about to take off running, dive deep, or charge the boat…by transmitting this info to Captain William at the tiller he provides the Wanderer with a split-second advantage over the Marlin.

Focused Angler + Proper Tackle + Captain/Crew teamwork = Great Marlin Releases!

What an outstanding trip for Zach Condon! This was certainly a trip for the ages and another Hall of Fame performance for the mighty Wanderer.

January 31, 2012

Excellent day of fishing on the Wanderer by client Dave Ulev from Illinois. His group wanted to specifically target Yellowfin Tuna so Captain William chased the dolphin schools while First Mate Alex deployed a spread featuring the undeniable Cedar plug.

The fish came in hot and heavy, one after the other, and Dave didn’t stop until the box was filled with Yella fellas and Jack Crevalle.

Great filets for Dave and another outstanding effort by the famous Wanderer!

January 30, 2012

Nosara Paradise Rentals and FishingNosara had an excellent weekend at the 65th Annual Jacksonville Boat Show at the Prime Osborn Convention Center. We met thousands of great folks and managed to raise over $500 for Jacksonville Marine Charities.

The big winner of our $1450 vacation package was Margo from Jacksonville. Her name was pulled at random from over 100 entries and she is packing her bags for a week in paradise. Here is her email to Craig:

Dear Craig,

Oh My !!! Still am pinching myself about the trip to Costa Rica !!!!! WOW ! I think I am still somewhat numb about it all. Can’t thank you enough for your offering such a fabulous prize ! And to have won it is beyond my wildest imagination !!!! Thank you, thank you!


January 30, 2012

We were stoked to host a wedding fishing fiesta with Rob Anderson and his group from Dallas, TX. They split the party between the Wanderer and the Explorer. Both boats saw consistent action, but the Wanderer had the edge when it comes to good eatin’ keepers.

Captain William and the big blue beauty accounted for 10 Yellowfin tunas and five Jack Crevalles in the fishbox, while over on the Explorer Captain David’s group got a bunch of Bonita and a few feisty reef Snapper.

No matter how you score it, Mr. Anderson and his group certainly caught enough fish for the wedding party. Great work team!