December 18, 2018

Matty was on board the mighty Wanderer on December 18 and battled a MASSIVE Black Marlin for two hours.

This monster hit around 3:00pm and fought until sunset, when after several leader grabs finally broke the hook right next to the boat.

We see around five of these size Marlin per year, and is clearly the biggest fish Matty ever caught.

The flagship didn’t go home empty handed, thanks to this nice Dorado from early in the day.

All smiles on the way back in.

Great work by Captain William and the mighty Wanderer.

December 11, 2018

It was a true pleasure to welcome our old pal Captain Don Dingman for a quick romp on the Wanderer. Captain Don is the beloved TV personality behind Hook the Future TV and is the driving force in getting young anglers into fishing.

Captain William followed the porpoises and snuck in to steal their lunch.

Don nabbed this nice Yellowfin Tuna on the Wanderer.

Then Rebecca stepped up to battle a tasty Dorado.

They were in town celebrating their anniversary; remember that they fished with us on their honeymoon, and Rebecca dressed up for the occasion.

Still one of our favorite pics.

Great work by Captain Don and Rebecca!

December 8, 2018

Captain Alex is always ready to embrace a new fishing challenge, so when fly-fishing enthusiast Mike Williams chartered on December 8 the Harvester was ready for the challenge.

Captain Alex retracted the outrigger and Mate Kevin worked a teaser bait until Mike offered the fly to this big Dorado:

After this excellent catch, Team Williams turned to the conventional tackle and loaded up on a multitude of big Dorados.

That’s three nice smiles right there!

Great work by the crew of the mega panga!