March 7, 2015

The Discoverer delivered the goods for Sergio’s Costa Rica Adventurers Loren and Viv Keen, James and Christie Lawson, and Frank and Susan Kinsinger.

After some early morning Sailfish releases, they scored a big hit with this Double Sailfish Release:

Great work by the big battleship Discoverer.

March 1, 2015

Roger Bowgen and his posse returned to the Wanderer for a fantastic full day trip to the blue water.

Last trip they scored a bunch of Marlin releases, and on this trip they put a whipping on a nice number of Pacific Sailfish

They scored two early releases, then got a taste of the Wanderer‘s true might with a Double Sailfish release.

The action stayed strong all day, with eight total Sailfish releases by sundown.

February 24, 2015

The Wanderer was back in action with client Dennis Cinquiano enjoying great action with the flagship.

They stayed inshore in the morning and snagged a beautiful Rooster Fish, which was released after the photo.

Around noon Captain William followed a flock of Frigate Birds (also called Marlin Birds) offshore to a boiling bait ball.

In no time the blue beauty was hooked up to a pair of Sailfish.

Great fight coordination and fish handling by First Mate Alex lead to a beautiful Double Sailfish release.

They added a final Sailfish release to end the day:

Excellent work by the mighty Wanderer!

February 15, 2015

Captain Carlos on the super panga Explorer have been on fire this month with lots of Sailfish action leading off the scorecard.

They started the month with an awesome Double Sailfish release. Great work by Mate Kevin to handle this fight and get these fish properly de-hooked and swimming free.

This double release was a sign of things to come…February has brought huge numbers of Sailfish releases for the super panga’s clients.

The filet bags stayed full this month also…check out the size on this Tuna:

Of course plenty of Dorado were harvested by the Explorer.

Great work by the dynamic duo of Captain Carlos and Mate Kevin!

January 4, 2015

The Discoverer has kept cooking with gas in the New Year with a fantastic run on Sailfish.

Captain David and Mate Juan Carlos have found their billfishing rhythm and are posting double-digit release numbers.

Also they have scored some excellent meat fish, from the usual Dorado to the rare-for-this-time-of-year Yellowfin Tuna:

Great work by the battleship!

January 3, 2015

Captain Carlos has continued to score big for his clients in 2015. He started the year off with this fantastic Double Sailfish Release:

Naturally, both fish were released but you can’t say the same for these beefy Dorados that have been filling our clients’ fishboxes:

Big Dorado have been a constant with several reports of full fishboxes of fresh filets.

Also, it is nice to White Tuna showing up on the scorecard again; these fellas have been a little scarce since the Dorado came close to shore. These 10-15lbs. White Tunas are the perfect size for tasty filets and sushi.

Of course the barroom brawler also picked a fight with some stunning Sailfish recently; check out the fight on this monster.

A safe release by Mate Kevin is the perfect send-off to this excellent fishing triumph.

January 1, 2015

New Year, Same Results for Captain William and the mighty Wanderer!

Thomas Palmer and his family signed up for a half day trip and got waaaayyy more than they bargained for from the flagship.

The Wanderer reports multiple Sailfish releases punctuated by a Double Sailfish release:

This fun fishing family also mopped up some 20-25lbs. Dorados for the dinner table.

Great start to 2015 by the fearsome flagship!

December 31, 2014

Ryan and MacKenzie Harrington joined us earlier this year during their honeymoon trip, and returned for a fun fishing outing on December 31.

Last time Ryan scored a big Marlin, and on this trip the highlight was undoubtedly this his-and-hers Double Sailfish release.

They also mopped up some nice 25-35lbs. Dorados, plus MacKenzie scored a late-day Sailfish to sweeten the pot.

Great work by Captain David and Mate Juan Carlos for this Tampa-based charter captain.