Shannon and Pat Emery joined the Wanderer for three memorable days of fishing. They braved the rainy season to get to Nosara, then waited for a break in the weather to go hunt big billfish.

Thought the tourists are scarce this time of year the big fish are still in the neighborhood…check out this high flying Blue Marlin that was waiting on the Wanderer.

After the Marlin release this dynamic fishing duo took on a swarm of Sailfish.

Shannon put the finishing touch on this great fishing performance by putting a big Yellowfin Tuna in the fishbox. Certainly these two have some excellent dining in their immediate future.

Shannon Emery met us at the St. Pete Boat Show last year and began planning his trip on the only time off he had from work: smack dab in the middle of the rainy season!
Normally we try to persuade clients to avoid September and October, but Shannon’s job is not normal: He is serving the US in Afganistan and this week in the only chance he and Pat could get away.
Here’s a few words from Shannon:
“Just wanted to drop you a note as we are getting ready to depart CR tomorrow morning. First the crew you have here are great. Jenny made sure the house was taken care of and our huge loads of laundry were cleaned and also made sure we had some great chow on the boat.”
“Also the fishing was great. I expected that with it not being the best time for billfishing that we may be lucky getting a sail or two. For day one we passed that with 2 sails. one blue marlin and a very tasty yellowfin. The crew of the Wanderer was awesome and I look forward to fishing again with them. I gave the guys copies of our videos and pics so you guys have them.”
“All in all we had a great stay and some great fishing. Now I just have to figure out how soon we can make it back to this little spot of paradise.”