The Wanderer nagged a supremely awesome Blue Marlin release with angler Steve Mears’ groupย on January 4.
After the safe release, they followed up with a nice Sailfish release.
They didn’t go home empty-handed, thanks to this sweet Dorado.
Costa Rica Fishing Report from FishingNosara
Costa Rica Fishing Report Archive | FishingNosara
The Wanderer nagged a supremely awesome Blue Marlin release with angler Steve Mears’ groupย on January 4.
After the safe release, they followed up with a nice Sailfish release.
They didn’t go home empty-handed, thanks to this sweet Dorado.
Cody Jones’ posse hopped on board theย Discoverer for a few fierce Sailfish releases on the 4th.
Theย Wanderer welcomed Cody Jones for a productive day offshore. A Sailfish release was the highlight of the trip.
Later in the trip they went to battle a few monster Mahi-Mahis for the dinner table.
David Mackenzie joined the mega panga for a fun day of offshore fish fighting, and they came away with a pair of excellent Sailfish releases.
They also added a bunch of Dorados to keep their own appetites at bay.
Awesome day from Captain Alex!
Captain Alex started 2020 with a great run to the blue water. The morning session was dominated by big Sailfish releases and giant Dorado scores.
The afternoon session was more of the same, with rod-bending action reported all the way until sundown.
Great work by the mega pangaย Harvester!
Captain Alex delivered the goods for Joe Malina’s family in late December. They stayed busy with mulitple Sailfish releases.
James Traynor and theย Discoverer finished off the year with an array of excellent Sailfish releases.
They also scored some beefy Dorados for the dinner table.
Theย Wanderer finished off the year with great family fishing with Matthew Reinemo’s boys.
The kids released this nice Sailfish, and they brought home the bacon with this big Dorado.
Captain Alex pulled double duty on the 30th with two separate half-day charters.
Chad Turner’s family came out in the morning and scored a bunch of high-flying Sailfish releases.
In the afternoon session Kristina Hubard family also scored a bunch of great Sailfish releases.
Nantucket angler Matthew Reinemo brought his family down for some warm-weather fishing on December 29.
Captain William introduced these lads to Pacific Sailfish. Check out these nice releases.