June 25, 2011

Some nice billfish action on the water today for the Wanderer and the Explorer. The blue beauty was out hunting for a half-day and had a swift pair of Sailfish come tearing through the spread. One pickpocketed the long lines for the ballyhoo, but his hunting buddy wasn’t so lucky. A quick fight ensured and the Wanderer released an awesome Sailfish.

Meanwhile on the Explorer a gigantic Blue Marlin was hooked up for a few minutes but got off. Believe me these big fish don’t get so big by getting caught every day! Captain David knows what to do when big billfish come calling, so expect to hear back from this big blue real soon.

June 23, 2011

Craig Sutton, US Representative for FishingNosara is in Nosara this week to wrap up the acquisition of two new Nosara Paradise Rentals’ properties. If you think that means the billfish are safe this week, you are wrong.

Craig was on the FishingNosara flagship Wanderer for a short afternoon billfish hunt. In the course of three hours they raised four sailfish and released one.

They also had a curious Dorado come through the spread knocking at the teaser and a few other mystery nibbles.

The rain is settling in for the weekend, but don’t be surprised if Craig sneaks offshore to dance with the lady in the blue dress sometime in the next few days.

June 21, 2011

The Wanderer was pleased to welcome Jack Thames and his group from South Carolina for some inshore fishing on June 21. Jack is a very experienced angler and Captain William kept him on the fish with the rods bent.

First, Mr. Thames took advantage of the schools of Rainbow Runners that have been swarming through the area the last few days. Then one of the deep lines ripped off and the telltale red flash meant that the mighty Cubera Snapper had thrown down the gauntlet

Mr. Thames outlasted the big red Buick and was treated to a 60lbs. Cubera Snapper. Later in the evening they boated another great Cubera Snapper, though not quite as massive as the first.

June 20, 2011

Clients Ron Bias and Linda Branning were on the Wanderer for some billfish hunting today and they were not disappointed.  Ron is a good friend from Jacksonville, FL who we met at the Southeast US Boat Show a few months ago so we are extra-excited to report that he and Linda released this awesome Pacific Sailfish.

Safe release as usual by First Mate Alex and another superb job of hunting by Captain William. Clearly, the billfish bite has turned on and we hope to see several more nice releases like this one for Ron and Linda.

June 19, 2011

Another incredible Marlin release for the Wanderer! Client Steve Terny and his group were on the big blue billfish bruiser yesterday evening and caught the true fish of a lifetime. This Black Marlin release was the result of an intense but economical fight; only 35 minutes from hook-up to release.

As usual Captain William and First Mate Alex coordinated the operation with fluid efficiency and Mr. Terny was up to the ultimate angler’s challenge.

What a great catch, and as always a safe release. Great work by Steve Terny and the crew of the Wanderer!

June 18, 2011

On June 18 Charlie Pharr and his friends booked the Wanderer for a half day and started the morning off right. Nothing feels better than putting TWO 60lbs. Yellowfin Tuna in the box before noon! Then they raised two Sailfish but could not convince them to eat.

By the end of the trip they had two 60+ lbs. Yellas and also a couple of 20lbs. From football-sized to football-player-sized, the Yellowfin Tuna bite was ON FIRE this month!

Inside Sportfishing

Inside Sportfishing Television is one of the most established and respected adventure fishing TV shows in the world.

Carried by Fox Sports West, Inside Sportfishing has tremendous reach into markets around the globe.

It was our distinct pleasure to host the Shea, Mike, Craig, Sam, and their families for a delightful week of fishing, Safari tours, and fun in Nosara.

The full episode will air in early 2012, but for now enjoy this sneak preview:

This video is available in HD up to 1080p. Click right here ^ for options after hitting play.

We hope to see the whole gang again really soon. Until then, Tight Lines y Pura Vida Amigos!

Aggressive Black Marlin

“Just one of many videos we took on our recent Costa Rica trip. This one is of a giant Marlin I caught shortly after Marcia and I released a nice double sailfish hookup! It is now thought by most that she is in fact a Black Marlin between 450-500lbs, at first thought to be a Blue Marlin. Worked her aggressively standing and got her boatside in less than hour.”

“We released this fish after after pulling her a good while, her color returned vividly, spectacular and will post that release video soon and some other great vids!”

“Listen closely to the mates first comment as he grabs the bill…….funny….enjoy!” -Tyson Wegman

May 30, 2011

Make some room in the Hall of Fame for Tyson Wegman! After an excellent day with Captain David on the Explorer, Mr. Wegman and his squeeze took to the Wanderer with the sole intention of catching billfish…what happened is a day of big Marlin and multiple Sailfish releases by the big blue beauty.

They got on the water early and at around 8am the first bills came calling. First Mate Alex set the hook in the first Sailfish and handed off to Tyson when immediately the long outrigger popped out of the clip…another Sailfish was on the hook!

The combination of  top-notch tackle, consistent angling,  Captain William’s stellar boat handling brought home this amazing Double Sailfish Release.

This kind of catch is enough to earn Tyson enshrinement in the Hall of Fame, but the fish that came calling an hour later at 9:30am was truly the fish of a lifetime:

Estimated weight: 500+lbs. Released: You betcha. First Mate Alex: He may look exhausted, but you try wrangling a half-ton of billfish in less than an hour and we’ll see how you feel. This capped off two excellent days of fishing for Tyson Wegman and we can’t wait to see him back in Nosara soon…the billfish may not feel this way!

Let’s check out her pictures from this exact moment in time:

Fantastic work by Captain William, Alex, and the Wegman group! You sir, are now officially a legend.