February 19, 2011

The word for ‘to lose a fish’ down here is Sanachoz, and unfortunately this dirty word got thrown around a little bit today.

Brenton and his group booked the Wanderer for the morning and went off-shore hunting for billfish. Things looked promising when they raised up a sailfish, but the bite was soft and they couldn’t get the hooks home this time.

31 Foot Wanderer Nosara Costa Rica

It’s worth noting that the full moon has a profound effect on billfish surface striking behavior, plus since we are only 9 degrees N of the equator the moon stays out much longer.

Family Fun Fishing in Costa Rica
Sr. Berrios in January 2011

Over on the Explorer our good buddy Eduardo Berrios brought some friends down from San Jose for a fishing trip. One of the Explorer‘s first clients back in December, Sr. Berrios is no stranger to success on the big bottom fish in Garza. This time, he had a HUGE fish on the bottom, but the big beast escaped…Sanachoz!

These kind of days are bound to happen, but keep an eye out once this moon recedes for the action to light right back up.

February 17, 2011

Big news from Nosara Paradise Rentals (which is FishingNosara’s sister company)…we have acquired the land behind our Guiones Beach office with the intent of building a state-of-the-art shop for our new Safari Carts.

Once completed, this area will allow for top-notch maintainance and service on our carts, trucks, and boats. The central design element is the same as with all our improvements: Privacy and quiet. Rest assured that all our future guests will continue to enjoy the tranquility, privacy, and peacefulness that has made Nosara Paradise Rentals famous.

Also, keep an eye peeled for Phase II of this development which will feature a restaurant, fresh fish market, and late-night watering hole. For now, get ready for the baddest vehicles Nosara has ever seen:

February 14, 2011

Nice weather and great action today. Over on the Explorer client Rory Lavechia caught Black tunas and Jacks on a morning trip. Meanwhile over on the Wanderer client Joseph Accarino 15 Black tunas and several jacks in just 3.5 hours.

Tuna Costa Rica

Girl with Fish Costa Rica

When the morning is this hot, you know the afternoon billfish feed is going to be crazy, and sure enough client Stephen nailed a fantastic Sailfish in the afternoon.

Costa Rica Sailfish

To finish off the evening, client Brian Jones was with Captain Vibert on the Cabo and caught 10 Black tunas on a 2.5 hour Sunset fishing trip. Busy day for the FishingNosara team, but some great catches and satisfied clients to show for it.

February 13, 2011

Great news from the Explorer! Client George Shipley had a banner day on the 26′ Super Panga with the boat’s first ever Double Billfish day. Captain David pointed the Explorer just a little more offshore than usual, and just like that this 200lbs.+ Striped Marlin came tearing through the spread.

A quick fight and a photograph later, then it was time to get the lines back out and go for number two. Before long they had nabbed this 100lbs. Sailfish to complete the day.

These are outstanding results for just a 5 hr. trip, and Captain David has shown that the Explorer can deliver great fishing action usually thought possible on boats twice her size.

February 10, 2011

Captain Eduardo is coming on strong this season and once again is primed to be the leader of the pack. Yesterday, client Lillian on the Nice n’ Tight caught two Yellowfin tunas, a small grouper, a nice-sized White tuna and a trio of Jacks. These are the kind of species-diverse trips that have made the Nice n’ Tight a legendary boat in Garza.


Yellowfin Tuna Tactics the Pros Use (And So Can You!)

Yellowfin Tuna occupy an interesting position in the marine food chain because they are one of the most plentiful species in the sea yet also are some of the most elusive. Fishermen value the yella fellas for their tasty meat and pelagic predators (Marlin, Sailfish, Sharks, etc.) love the Yellowfin’s protein-rich blood.

Like all tunas they have a short lifespan (less than five years) so their size is directly related to their food consumption, not their age. Yellowfin tunas has one principal difference from its cousins the Black tuna, White tuna, and the Rainbow Tunney: Speed. Many anglers will attest to the fact that a Yellowfin catch can not be taken for granted, even if the fish is hooked up right next to the boat…in an amarillo flash they will peel off a hundred yards of line in an instant and leave the beleaguered angler right back where they started.

To properly hunt and catch Yellowfin Tuna, you must understand where and how they eat. Yellowfins feed on sardines, blue runners, and other cigar-sized baitfish which travel the ocean in schools. When attacked, these baitfish bundle themselves into what is called a “bait ball”. This fishy sphere gets attacked from above by dive-bombing birds, from the sides by porpoises, and from below by Yellowfin tuna. Also, Marlin and Sailfish will dart through the bait ball taking their place at the table. The predators will continue until every last feeder fish is gone, then they will proceed to find another school of food.

These feeding frenzies are easy to find at sea; look for the bubbling water and the splashing birds, then set your boat to orbit the outer edge of the bait ball. From this vantage point your selection of tackle becomes paramount; to ensure a great Yellowfin catch you need to present a tackle spread that is tailored to their appetite.

To catch small to regular-sized Yellowfins, try trolling a spinning spoon rig at 4-7 knots. The elliptical shape and repetitive silver flash closely mimics the action of a member of the bait school; in a full-on feeding frenzy a spoon is a must-have. I like to leave it in the water even when I have a fish on as it is a great way to stimulate a double hook-up.

The big Yellowfins are more sophisticated hunters, and are more likely to hit on a wounded fish that has strayed from the bait ball. The best way to imitate this meal is to use the trusty old Cedar plug. In the modern world of fluorescent teflon lures with holographic stickers and spinning rattles, an egg-shaped hunk of bare wood doesn’t seem like useful fishing tackle. However when that overgrown splinter is trolled at 9 knots off of a long shotgun line (minimum 200 ft.), it begins to tumble and create an irresistible wake pattern that spells out “wounded bait” to large Yellowfin tunas.

If trolling isn’t your prerogative, Yellowfin can be sight-fished with the right tackle. A large topwater plug is definitely the lure of choice because they are the perfect combination of long casting distance, large splashdown pattern, and realistic swimming motion. I like to keep the boat ahead of the slow-moving bait ball by about 100 meters and then drift and let the school come to me. I have spoken to other Captains who prefer to move parallel to the bait ball and cast with a broadside approach. Both tactics are effective to sight-fish the yella fellas.

In closing, Yellowfin tuna can provide equally great action for charter fishing groups looking for a strike-filled day and sustenance anglers looking for a good meal. They are tough fighters but not so mean that they break fishing tackle. Best of all their role in the food chain makes Yellowfin sportfishing relatively low-impact on the fishery.

Final note: Keep a bottle of soy sauce and wasabi on board your vessel along with a cutting board. Fresh sushi is a great treat to celebrate your catch, plus it is always a good idea to eat lots of protein when out on a boat in the elements.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5896317


February 9, 2011

We knew it was only a matter of time until the lady in the blue dress came calling! Client Dennis Paul booked the Wanderer for an offshore billfish hunt.

With the rain swirling in the distance, this big girl came tearing through the spread right at 2:30pm. The fight was on as this Marlin bucked, bobbed and weaved all over the place.

After 45 minutes of combat, the Marlin was defeated and Dennis Paul had added one more safe marlin release to the Wanderer‘s scorecard.

The bite is starting to catch fire and we are spending this weekend prowling for pelagics. Look out for some great weekend action!

February 8, 2011

What a fantastic day for the whole FishingNosara team! All Captains were on the water today and each caught lots of fish.

In the morning, Dennis was on the Explorer and caught three White Tunas, a bunch of Black Tunas, a nice Amberjack and lost two giant mysteries on the bottom. Captain David has got the Explorer almost dialed-in and the best catches are on the way from the Super Panga.

In the afternoon Kurt on the Cabo caught 12 Black Tunas and three macarellas with Master Captain Vibert. The Cabo is on a tear right now and Captain Vibert shows no sign of letting up.

Meanwhile over on the Nice n’ Tight client Steven brought home the bacon in the form of six White Tunas and two tasty Yellowfin. Great days for all the clients and proof again that FishingNosara delivers the Best Sportfishing in Costa Rica.