January 27, 2011

Captain Eduardo on the Nice n’ Tight had a great day with client Simon and his group. They started off with three nice Black Tunas and ended the trip with a 20lbs. Cuberra Snapper. Captain Eduardo is super busy with multiple trips this week on the Nice n’ Tight and the 31′ Sportsman.

January 24, 2011

Scott Walcott finished his two fishing days on the Explorer and here is his report. On the first morning Scott caught 3 yellowfin tunas, 1 white tuna and he hooked up about 10 Roosterfish, but no releases.

Then on Sunday Mr. Walcott caught a pair of 15lbs. Blue Jacks and a beautiful 45lbs. Cuberra Snapper.

January 22, 2011

The Cox family have been tearing the water up this week, but they truly saved the best for last.

After some great action on the Wanderer followed by more fish on the Explorer, the First Coast couple were back on the blue beauty for some big-time Marlin Hunting.

Fishin’ Accomplished! Great work by the Roy and Cathy Cox and the entire FishingNosara team.

January 21, 2011

Javier and our great friend Brooke Shields took an evening cruise on the Explorer with fine results. While it was “slow” all day for the other boats, Captain David strolled in and boated a dozen fish in 1.5 hours. Not so slow after all!

Javier claims that he will catch the first Marlin on the Explorer, but for now these little fellas will have to do.

January 19, 2011

We promised photos of Captain Vibert and client Dick Stacey’s Blue Marlin, and here it is! What a great catch by Mr. Stacey and as always some amazing boat-handling and angling by Captain Vibert and Mate Marcos.

Captain Vibert and the Cabo have hit their stride arleady this season and we expect even more great trips from the Master Captain in the future.

January 17, 2011

Client Ed Haynes released a 450lbs. Marlin on the Wanderer today. Great work by Angler and crew…Check out Captain William himself on the billshot.

Also while bobbing around Garza Bay, First Mate Alex hooked up this massive 80lbs. Rooster Fish. Of course we released this fish immediately but it is still a heck of a catch for so close to shore. Nice fish Alex!