February 24, 2021

From the “Small World” department:

Dan Johnson from Hatteras was happy to welcome his new friend Antonio Carrillo to fish with him on Wednesday the 24th.

They met at the immigration line in Liberia airport last year while Dan was wearing a Fishing Nosara shirt when Antonio called him next in line
After many questions from Antonio, Dan said he fishes with Fishing Nosara and William Mendoza is my captain of many years

Antonio quickly said he is my father

It’s a small world

Dan has been trying to get Antonio to fish with him on a day off from the immigration police and it worked out great to fish with his father.

So on February 24, the Wanderer welcomed this most distinguished guest:

This may be a vacation for Officer Carillo, but the same can’t be said for the fish…the family scored over ten Red Groupers, plus a nice Yellowfin Tuna.

This trip was a ‘who’s who’ of local talent. Captain Fico of the Explorer came along, also a guest of Mr. Dan Johnson.

The fishing karma was so good that they scored a double Grouper catch even though the snap swivel was left unbuckled.

Near-shore Sailfish release were a welcome diversion.

Also Captain Fico scored an outstanding Yellowfin Tuna.

Here is Father and Son with an excellent Dorado:

“With the best Captain, my father.” Antonio posted.

January 4, 2021

Legendary angler Dan Johnson brought his hard-fishing family along for a productive day on the Wanderer.

Captain William set them up for deep-drop bottom fishing, and the flagship scored several big Congrio.

This unusual fish/eel hybrid yields a flakey, lobster-like meat and is very tasty. Also their body allows for them to swim backwards, which makes for a strange fight.

Also these are some of the biggest Congrios we have seen in quite a long time.

December 8, 2020

Captain Alex and the Harvester delivered the fish of a lifetime on December 8. Legendary angler Dan Johnson was on the stick for this great Blue Marlin release along with Richard Fertig and Erica.

Here is your new phone background:

This wonderous Blue Marlin is an amazing specimen, and as usual was safely handled and released by Mate Wilson.

December 6, 2020

Fishing legend Dan Johnson is back in action, and on the December 6 he was joined by out Guiones Beach neighbor Marlin Bill for a trip on the Wanderer.

Captain William kept the rods bent all day with FOURTEEN Yellowfin Tuna catches on the scorecard.

The Wanderer is the gold standard of consistency, and of course Dan Johnson knows what to do when the fish come up in the spread.

PS I am guessing that Marlin Bill’s will have Yellowfin Tunas on the menu this week!

April 9, 2019

Legendary Carolina angler Dan Johnson was fishing hard during and after the Ship of Fools tournament, and on the 9th he scored two nice Sailfish on the Explorer.

The Explorer also had Blue marlins in the spread but wouldn’t bite, and later nabbed two Groupers and other bottom fish.

“Great day with the fishing team always. Thank you. Dan Johnson”