April 4, 2011

The Wanderer has built a reputation as the gold standard billfish hunter in the area, and client Mike Baker joined Captain William and First Mate Alex for a fantastic afternoon on the water on April 4.

The midday billfish bite turned on in a big way with baits popping off left and right. Despite missing a handful of mystery nibbles, the boys still released 3 Sailfish and caught a nice 35lbs. Dorado for the dinner table.

March 20, 2011

March 20 was Matty and Jack’s turn on the Wanderer, and a special day for Captain Jack. He was the main man on the  Wanderer Construction yet this day marked his first time back on the boat he built.

Satisfied with the boat’s health after a year in the water, we stayed inshore in the morning to load up on more Yellowfin than we knew what to do with.

Yellowfin Tuna Costa Rica 

At noon they were joined by Craig and William Kidd of North Carolina for some offshore trolling. Mr. Kidd reeled in this magnificant Dorado estimated to weigh 50 lbs. The strike came just before 5 pm…Long day, but well worth the wait.

Fighting Fish in Costa Rica

March 19, 2011

The Explorer was on the hill getting its monthly upkeep today (and getting some slick new rod holders on the transom), so it fell the Wanderer to pick up the slack…and boy did they ever!

Wanderer Costa Rica

First up, Captain William found an awesome Dorado bite around 2 pm and stayed on it until the box was stuffed with three nice greenies. Alex pulled some incredible gaff shots on these monsters.

Costa Rica Dorado

With the meat on ice the blue beauty tried to add a trophy fish to the trip to make it perfect. Around 5 pm the moon came up and right behind it was this massive Sailfish. Great work on the billshot and release as always.

Costa Rica Sailfish Jump

Sailfish Costa Rica

With all the excitement surrounding the Explorer, the Safari Carts, the new shop, and all the other projects around here it is possible to forget that the big dog in this yard is the big blue billfish battlewagon….Wanderer!

February 26, 2011

The whole team was out on the water today, and though the big billfish were elusive today all of the boats got on some fish. There was a pair of sailfish strikes on the Wanderer but no releases; they spent the afternoon working over the inshore reefs and caught two Yellowfin tunas and a sweet Amberjack.

Explorer Fishng Boat

On the Explorer client Jess Lockmon took a 2.5 hour sunset fishing trip with Captain David, and they caught a fat Dorado on a slow troll. Great ending to a very long day for Captain David who mated on the Wanderer all day before this trip.

Yellowfin Tuna

If there’s fish to be caught, you know that Captain Eduardo and the Nice n’ Tight will be right on top of them. With clients Steven and Liam on board, the biggest little boat in Garza had a field day on some football sized Yella fellas.

Yellow fin Tuna

Great day for the whole FishingNosara family.

December 23, 2010

Looks like the Blue Water has arrived! Clients John and Mary in the Wanderer caught 12 Yellowfin tunas rounding 10 to 25lbs. They also caught a 30lbs. Dorado and a 50 lbs. Hamberjack!

Over on the Explorer clients Andrew and Jay on the caught 7 white tunas and 8 black tunas. Looks like things are about to get hot! Pura Vida!

November 23, 2010

In late November we made a great new friend named Jeff Grosshandler from New Jersey. Jeff is a very interesting fellow who is currently organizing a new development in Nosara’s K section. A financial wiz and an avid surfer, Mr. Grosshandler will surely become a familiar face around Nosara for years to come.

He has booked several trips in the last few weeks with the FishingNosara team, and this 35lbs. Dorado and tasty white tuna are just a sampling of his great catches. Pura Vida Jeff!

October 31, 2010

Client Juan Adriatico book the Wanderer on October 31 and got things off to a quick start. First he got to work on the inshore reefs with a few 12lbs. Yellowfin and White Tunas.

Then, the line screamed off when it was hit by a 50lbs. Amberjack.

Early in the afternoon Juan got the hook into this awesome 45lbs. Dorado.

Hopefully this is a sign that with El Nino gone the fish are starting to resume their normal feeding habits.

Mr. Adriatico wasn’t done yet!

Captain William and the boys put Juan on two massive Cuberra Snappers to cap off Opening Day. Both weighed over 30lbs. with the big one nearing 50lbs. Great start to what will be a great season!

August 14, 2010

Craig Sutton and the Inside Sportfishing crew had one thing on their minds when they hit the water on August 11th: Marlin.

This bad boy came tearing up the spread and hit the naked ballyhoo rig so hard it almost pulled the rod holder right off the boat. After an amazingly acrobatic 25 minute fight, the fish was finally in range to be billed. With the stress of the fight and the huge stature of the fish, we decided to release without removing it from the water.

On the final day of filming, the crew got a Blue Marlin hooked up and tailwalking for the cameras, but this one got away. They retreated to the reefs and caught a whole boatload of Yellowfin Tunas and Dorados.

Look for episodes of Inside Sportfishing from Nosara in the near future. It was a blast to host these seasoned world travelers and treat them to some world-class fishing and down-home fun!


July 29, 2010

On July 20th clients Doug, Ken, and Gina booked the Wanderer for a day of fishing and fun. Doug writes, “On the first trip, we had a nice Marlin hookup but after an hour, lost the battle.  Later that day, I landed a nice sailfish estimated at 125lbs.”

Doug was so stoked that on July 29th he enlisted his buddies Earl and Kevin to head out for another trip. Once again, They were on the hunt for Marlin. Doug writes, “On the second trip, we had six Marlin strikes but unfortunately no hook-ups. We did find a nice barrel floating and holding bait fish. We ended up landing four huge Dorado – 50lb-70lb range.”

He was all smiles back on shore. “Captain William, David and Alex were a ton of fun to fish with. I would recommend Captain William, the Wanderer, and it’s crew to anyone. These were two of the best days I spent during my month in the Nosara.”