Great action on the Explorer! Peter Perakos from Costa Del Mar sunglasses hooked up two nice Sailfish and released one.
On the way back to shore they parked inshore for a little while and top-water casted the reefs. They nailed a couple of Yellowfin tunas for the table to cap off a great day of fishing.
Mr. Perakos and his posse have several more fishing trips planned this week, so keep an eye right here for all the updates.
The word for ‘to lose a fish’ down here is Sanachoz, and unfortunately this dirty word got thrown around a little bit today.
Brenton and his group booked the Wanderer for the morning and went off-shore hunting for billfish. Things looked promising when they raised up a sailfish, but the bite was soft and they couldn’t get the hooks home this time.
It’s worth noting that the full moon has a profound effect on billfish surface striking behavior, plus since we are only 9 degrees N of the equator the moon stays out much longer.
Sr. Berrios in January 2011
Over on the Explorer our good buddy Eduardo Berrios brought some friends down from San Jose for a fishing trip. One of the Explorer‘s first clients back in December, Sr. Berrios is no stranger to success on the big bottom fish in Garza. This time, he had a HUGE fish on the bottom, but the big beast escaped…Sanachoz!
These kind of days are bound to happen, but keep an eye out once this moon recedes for the action to light right back up.
Great news from the Explorer! Client George Shipley had a banner day on the 26′ Super Panga with the boat’s first ever Double Billfish day. Captain David pointed the Explorer just a little more offshore than usual, and just like that this 200lbs.+ Striped Marlin came tearing through the spread.
A quick fight and a photograph later, then it was time to get the lines back out and go for number two. Before long they had nabbed this 100lbs. Sailfish to complete the day.
These are outstanding results for just a 5 hr. trip, and Captain David has shown that the Explorer can deliver great fishing action usually thought possible on boats twice her size.
Our great friend Patrick Armbruster is no stranger to big-time reef fish as evidenced by this massive haul on a day trip with Captain David on the Explorer.
White Tuna, Yellowfin Tuna, Walleye Tuna, and the terrifying Cuberra Snapper…clearly the Explorer is game to battle all kinds of great tasting and hard-fightin’ reef fish.
Jason came home with this nice-sized Jack on a half-day fishing with Captain David Barrantes on the Explorer. As usual the Explorer is catching all types of fish for her clients.
Our buddy Sheffey caught this monster on the Explorer today…
Seriously though, his group got on some nice fish and had a great trip. We let this little fella go, so come on down in about 20 years and this thing will be some nice eatin’!
Javier and our great friend Brooke Shields took an evening cruise on the Explorer with fine results. While it was “slow” all day for the other boats, Captain David strolled in and boated a dozen fish in 1.5 hours. Not so slow after all!
Javier claims that he will catch the first Marlin on the Explorer, but for now these little fellas will have to do.
St. Augustine anglers Roy and Cathy Cox followed up their strong performance on the Wanderer with a great day of action on the Explorer. They caught a pair of Yellowfin tunas over 20lbs, two big Amberjacks and seven black tunas. Great trip!
Client Allen Collen and Captain David stayed inshore and pulled off the double-whammy of bottom fishing: Grouper and Cuberra Snapper on the same trip!
These monsters have been known to exhaust the most seasoned anglers…managing to fight both of these fish in one day is a real feat.