December 21, 2012

Senior Javier has been working over the river mouth this week and had some great catches to show for his effort. Most recently was this large Corvina that weighs every bit of 15 lbs. Ceviche, anyone?

Earlier in the week Javier knocked out an excellent Snook, approximately 29 inches and 12 lbs. Pictured here with son Dario, this Snook is typical of the beauties that make their home at the mouth of the Nosara River.

Pretty clear family resemblance, even down to the gold chain. Great work by the master of the river, Senior Javier Hernandez!

Nosara Snook Tournament Recap

The 1st Annual Nosara Snook Tournament was held over the consecutive weekends of June 16-17 and June 23-24 at the Nosara River.

Organized by the local fishing club Fundacion Pescadores Nosara Fupperno, this tournament is unique because it is 100% catch and release.

Javier Hernandez (President of Fupperno) notes that his club has united to stop overfishing and irresponsible practices that affect fish resources and the balance of marine ecosystems.

By making this tournament catch and release, they hope to improve and change the management of marine resources and raise awareness. You can read the full story in the June 12 issue of the Voice of Nosara.

The first weekend was slow with high winds and uncooperative Snook leaving the anglers wanting. However things fired up on June 23 with several Snook releases on the scoreboard.

The winner was Senor Luis Rodriguez with a 24lbs. Snook released. Regular readers of this report recognized Mr. Rodriguez from his 38 lbs. Snook that was posted here on April 28, 2012. His winning snook weighed 24lbs. and earned Luis the first prize of $200. Here is video of the release:

Second place went to Mr. Carl Wells with this 7 lbs. Snook and $150 to go with it.

Third place was taken by local legend Luis Siler with this little 2lbs. Snook. His prize was $100 which he generously split with three other anglers who caught similarly small fish.

Regardless of fish sizes, this tournament was about far more than money and poundage…The swell of activity on the Fupperno Facebook page has proved that Nosara has a viable, thriving, and enthusiastic scene of land-based Snook anglers.

As this community of anglers grows and flourishes, they are lucky to have a person like Javier in a position of leadership…Mr. Hernandez sincerely cares about the future of this fishery and dreams of a day when catch-and-release will become the norm with Snook tournaments much as it has with offshore billfish.

Finally and most importantly, this tournament provides a beacon for the next generation of anglers and provides them with a moral compass heading that points to a future of sustainable, humane interaction between man and the sea.

“These are those of tomorrow,” said Javier. “We are very proud of participants like these at a young age, and they are great for the sport of fishing. Congratulations and best wishes!”

March 23, 2012

It’s no secret around here that Javier is the man when it comes to land-based Snook fishing. On Friday our new friend Christoper Santore and his girlfriend went to the river mouth early in the morning looking for these tasty fighters.

They found a small 3lb. along the beach, then headed inland up the river bank. Before too long they had a meaty 12 pounder on the line and pulled it in all the way to the dinner table.

They also found this Sting Ray in shallow water which Javier seems unafraid of.

All in all it was another excellent Snook Hunt with El Jefe Javier Hernandez!

March 19, 2012

The FishingNosara Family Cup is awarded to the best aggregate family performance at the Jacksonville Kayak Fishing Tournament which was held in May 2011.

Melita Ganoe and her family finished atop the leaderboard, so as part of the prize she opted for a impromptu meeting of the Kayak Fishing club right here in Nosara. El Jefe Javier Hernandez led the trip down the Nosara River, and even though the fish were shy it was still a great time.

We are looking forward to the 2nd winners of the FishingNosara Family Cup later this Spring. Thanks to for hosting this awesome event.

February 14, 2012

Nosara Paradise Rentals GM Javier Hernandez took a quick 2.5 hr Sunset cruise with Captain David on the Explorer and el jefe pulled in reef monsters that would cause the most refined palette to salivate.

These Red Groupers are far and away the most delicious of the Grouper family and the Congrio is legendary for its tasty white meat. From monster snook to inshore assaults Senior Javier has the tools and the talent to bring home the bacon. Yummy!

Javier on the Radio – February 4, 2012

Check out El Jefe on the air of the famous La Buena Pescas Programa de Radio on the morning of February 4, 2012.

Javier tells Captain Atanes about our recent Grand Slam, fishing at the Nosara River mouth, and the ease of traveling to Nosara. Take a listen:

Thanks to Captain Sergio Atanes and the whole team at!

January 27, 2012

Amazing Kayak Safari Tour today that featured a canine companion and an excellent Snook catch by El Jefe. Local man Humberto Avila was joined by guide Arturo for a lazy float down the Rio Nosara.

Once they got to the river mouth and broke out the fishing poles, look who they ran into:

No other than Nosara Paradise Rentals GM Javier Hernandez along with another fantastic Snook. El Jefe is a Snook catching machine and he always knows where the big boys are hiding. Another great day on the river!