May 15, 2011

May 15 was a double duty day for Alex and Captain William. In the morning they welcome client Marc from New York for a 3 hr. Yellowfin tuna hunt.

Craig, Paula and Javier went offshore for a billfish hunt that afternoon; unfortunately they only raised one sail.

Two days later they stayed inshore and worked over a school of Jack Crevelle and Bonita, then finished off the day by parking over a mancha (school) of Yellowfin Tuna; several double hook-ups led to some nice fish in the box: five Yellowfin tunas, eight Jack Crevelle, five Bonita, and a HUGE Needlefish

May 14, 2011

FishingNosara and Nosara Paradise Rentals are proud to announce the winning family of the 1st Annual Jax Kayak Fishing Family Cup. A big round of applause for:

Team Ganoe

(Charles, Melita, and Daniel Ganoe, Britt Ezell, Alfie Nazario)

The FishingNosara Family Cup is awarded to the best aggregate family performance at the Jacksonville Kayak Fishing Tournament which was held this weekend. Despire some ominous weather and lots of spirited competition, Team Ganoe finished atop the leaderboard.

For their accomplishment they get a Costa Rica Vacation including a week of lodging at Nosara Paradise Rentals and a 2.5 hr. fishing trip with Captain David on the Explorer or a Safari Tour for up to 6 people.

Thanks to for hosting this awesome event and to all the participants in this years event. Tight Lines!

May 13, 2011

On May 13 the lovely Georgia Peach Ms. Paula joined Craig and Captain David on the Explorer for a trip to inshore fish market known as Picha Padre. They had just arrived to Nosara and Bianca (the official mascota of Nosara Paradise Rentals) was very hungry; it was imperative that they pack the fishbox with some good eatin’ fish.

Mission Accomplished as once again Paula brings home the bacon! All our clients know that if you have fresh filets in your house, little Bianca will be around for a snack.

Jacksonville Fishing Update

To prepare for his upcoming trip to Nosara, US Representative for FishingNosara Craig Sutton took his 31′ Fishtastic offshore in Jacksonville, FL for a full-on Dorado harvest. Along for the ride were First Mate Carl Schmidt, Mates Andrew Herbanick and Matty Jorn, and of course the lovely Georgia peach Ms. Paula.

First off the boat ramp at 5:15am, lines in the water at 7:00am, and fish in the boat by 8:30am…things were off to a fast start.

This picture was taken at 10:45am with the Dorado count around 25. By days end the Fishtastic had 51 fish in the box! Commented Andrew, “This is why I love Florida!”

We will post the pictures from the marathon filet session later…for now just know that we Florida boys (and Georgia gals) know how to fish!

May 7, 2011

Fishing was slow today, but back at the Nosara Paradise Rentals campus the construction of the new Safari Garage is moving along splendidly. The pillars are all up and the roof beams are in place.

This project is far ahead of schedule and should be completed very soon. Great work as always by Javier and the rest of the team!

May 5, 2011

Captain Eduardo took the nimble Nice n’ Tight out to deep water to take a crack at some billfish. He has a knack for getting big results from his little boat and on this day in particular Captain Eduardo released an excellent Marlin.


Also this month client Greg Donoghue and his friends were on the Nice n’ Tight and had great action on Yellowfin Tuna and Dorado.

Another month of fantastic fishing by the legendary Captain Eduardo Carrillo.