February 23, 2013

Captain David of the Explorer delivered a true fish of a lifetime to client Eileen and Timothy Opthof on February 23.

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This 250+lbs. Blue Marlin put up a tremendous fight but as always the Super panga and Mate Carlos took care of business and saw to the safe release of this monster.
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They also cleaned up inshore with a 12lbs. Mullet snapper, a 10lbs. white tuna, and a few other assorted fish all on ice. Incredible day both inshore and offshore for the unbeatableย Explorer and the indomitable Captain David.

December 11, 2012

Dr. Michelle Sanor had a full day trip on the Wanderer that stands out as the best single trip of the season so far. Her group of Oklahoma anglers released a Marlin and a Sailfish, plus addedย  30lbs. Dorado for the dinner table.

The Sailfish was the first hit of the day, coming around 10:30am. This beauty came alongside after a 20 minute fight and First Mate Alex safe released her as always.

The billfish bite tend to turn off between noon and 1:30pm, so the wise Captain William switched up the baits to target the medium-sized Dorado that have stacking up in our stretch of ocean. Sure enough they got dinner squared away with this 30lbs. Dorado in the boat around 1:15pm.

There is an old saying: ” The longer you fish, the more you will catch.” This seemingly simple axiom was proven in the second half of the Sanor group’s day on the water, when just after 3pm something MASSIVE hit a ballyhoo and gulped the hook.

After a brief but breathtaking battle this behemoth bellied up to the boat. Estimated by Alex to weigh 300+lbs., this Blue Marlin is a devastating hunter and a true fish of a lifetime.

Alex executed a safe revival and release and we are proud to report that this monster swam away unharmed and will be back for more someday soon.

Once again the mighty Wanderer with Captain William and First Mate Alex proves why she is the best boat in the bay, and maybe in all of Costa Rica.

June 1, 2012

Client Alex Richter brought his wife Nicole and their kids for an epic fishing adventure on the mighty Wanderer. Captain William and First Mate Alex are always up for a Rooster fish hunt, but their performance today sets a new high point.

They released this GIGANTIC Rooster fish at 7:15am and released a second Rooster less than 15 minutes later. That is a heck of a lot of action in the first 30 minutes of the trip.

Check out the luminescent Rooster fish reflecting the blue hull of the Wanderer…what an amazing creature!

After a fast start like this, it is only fitting that the flagship followed up with one of the nicest Blue Marlin of the season in the late afternoon. This bombshell blasted throught the spread around 11am and the fight was on!

Alex got a little coaching from First Mate Alex and after a 30 minute slugfest brought her alongside for a safe release.

Outstanding work by Alex Richter and the mighty Wanderer to release three fish-of-a-lifetime on a single 5 hour trip!

Give a listen to Craig on the radio talking some trash on Saturday morning:

May 7, 2012

Team Harris wore them out again today on the mighty Wanderer with a GIGANTIC Marlin release! This Blue beastie is conservatively estimated to weigh 375lbs., though since we left her in the water it’s all a guess.

What an incredible run these fellas are on! This is their second Marlin in two days and they have more hunting planned this week. Stay tuned for some more great catches from these anglers.

May 6, 2012

Marlin Alert! The mighty Wanderer and Hall of Famer Chuck Harris captured one of the meanest Blue Marlin of the season. This 350+lbs. brute mugged the spread until First Mate Alex deftly brought the circle hook home.

Captain William backed the beast down while Chuck won back line at a steady pace. After a vigorous 20 minute battle they had this big girl alongside for the release.

Another safe Marlin release for the Wanderer and a true fish of a lifetime for Florida angler Chuck Harris.

April 23, 2012

Chris Meade and his friends came to Nosara with the singular purpose of catching massive billfish, and we are stoked to report a record-setting day for this group from New York. They selected Captian William, First Mate Alex and the famous Wanderer to show them the way to the promised land.

How many billfish could they fit into a 5 hour half day trip? Let’s find out:

The first Sailfish came charging into the spread at 12:15pm and was released at 12:30pm which is a typical fight as long as the right angler, crew, and tackle are brought to bear on the feat. The second Sailfish wasn’t far behind and he was released at 1:0opm.

A third Sailfish reared its bill and once again Chris Meade’s group was up for the challenge. This predatory pelagic was released at 2:20pm

The highlight of the trip was this gorgeous Marlin released at 3:30pm. It bucked and barrel rolled on the way to boat, but Captain William acted quickly to de-tangle the fish while Alex kept her calm and steady.

What a beautiful specimen! Team Meade wasn’t satisfied, and they would close out the day with another pair of Sailfish releases at 4:03pm and 4:50pm.

Talk about squeezing every ounce of fishing out of a 5 hour trip…this is clearly a half-day for the ages!

April 10, 2012

Hall of Famers Morgan Trible and Kenny Strickler have struck again! They booked the Wanderer on April 10 and released 2 two Blue Marlins (200lbs. and 400lbs.) plus added two Dorados (13lbs.-30lbs.)

Looks like Kenny just can’t let go of this great fish. Finally Morgan and First Mate Alex pried her away and released her safe as always.

February 25, 2012

Amazing news from the mighty Wanderer!

On Day 3 of their Costa Rican Fishing Adventure, John Michael Burling and his group hooked up one of the nicest Blue Marlin of the season. This fish tore through the spread hot and heavy picking off baits until First Mate Alex dropped a fateful pitch bait to the beast. Captain William spun the boat around and keep this monster on a short leash…too much slack and this baby would be a memory.

After a vigorous half-hour battle this Blue Marlin was ready to be released to do battle another day.

See you next time pal!

February 16, 2012

Dennis Seltsam came to Nosara with a singular purpose: Catch the fish of a lifetime! This Kentucky angler booked the Wanderer for a full day of Marlin hunting and I’d say the time spend traveling and trolling paid off.

Take a look at this beastie:

This Blue Marlin is estimate to weigh 250lbs. which isn’t exactly a record breaker, but look at that girth! This barrel-shaped torpedo gave Mr. Seltsam a heck of a fight but once again Captain William and the Wanderer prevailed victorious.

Great safe release as always by First Mate Alex!

Dennis will be working the inshore reefs tomorrow with Captain David on the Explorer and we’ll see if the good times keep rolling.

February 1, 2012

Legendary day for the mighty Wanderer and the Zach Condon group. This New Hampshire-based angler has seen the results put up by Captain William and First Mate Alex for other New Englanders (most recently the Mukon family) and he immediately booked a full day on the on the flagship.

Zach said they wanted billfish…Fishin’ Accomplished!

As usual the big blue beast delivered the goods for these clients who released a MASSIVE 300+lbs. Blue Marlin and backed that up with a 180lbs. Striped Marlin. They also had a Sailfish but lost it right next to the boat, literally inches from the second Grand Slam of the young season for the Wanderer.

First up was the bad Blue Marlin…this guy is a monster even by Costa Rican standards! Amazing teamwork to safely land this monster and set up a safe Marlin release.

Looks like we need to get a wide angle lens for the camera!

We talk a lot about successful billfish being the result of combining the right boat, angler, and tackle for the job. This dedication to teamwork and precision was on display an hour later when another bodacious billfish beckoned.

Look at this picture from the Striped Marlin battle, and take careful note of everyone’s eyes:

  • The angler’s eyes are on locked on the fish and she is focused on maintaining tension and winning back line from the Marlin.
  • Her assistant is baling the line back on to the spool properly, thus freeing the angler from worrying about the tackle.
  • First Mate Alex is watching the tip of the rod for clues on the Marlin’s next move. He can tell by the faintest jerk or vibration of the rod tip if the fish is about to take off running, dive deep, or charge the boat…by transmitting this info to Captain William at the tiller he provides the Wanderer with a split-second advantage over the Marlin.

Focused Angler + Proper Tackle + Captain/Crew teamwork = Great Marlin Releases!

What an outstanding trip for Zach Condon! This was certainly a trip for the ages and another Hall of Fame performance for the mighty Wanderer.