December 12, 2012

Henry Martinez had a huge day of offshore bill collecting on the famous Wanderer. Captain William felt that the blue water would yield big bills and pointed the blue beauty offshore.

The first big Sailfish tore up three baits before finally finding the hook, and an excited Mr. Martinez reeled her in like an old pro.

An additional big Sail came calling around 10:30 and the mighty Wanderer stood tall, notching another release to the scorecard.

By the time the final two Sailfish came in, Henry showed the confidence of an experienced deckhand by not just catching the fish, but also billing and releasing her. Under First Mate Alex’ supervision Henry released the fourth and final two sailfish of the trip.

Excellent fishing by this New Jersey-based angler!

December 11, 2012

Dr. Michelle Sanor had a full day trip on the Wanderer that stands out as the best single trip of the season so far. Her group of Oklahoma anglers released a Marlin and a Sailfish, plus added  30lbs. Dorado for the dinner table.

The Sailfish was the first hit of the day, coming around 10:30am. This beauty came alongside after a 20 minute fight and First Mate Alex safe released her as always.

The billfish bite tend to turn off between noon and 1:30pm, so the wise Captain William switched up the baits to target the medium-sized Dorado that have stacking up in our stretch of ocean. Sure enough they got dinner squared away with this 30lbs. Dorado in the boat around 1:15pm.

There is an old saying: ” The longer you fish, the more you will catch.” This seemingly simple axiom was proven in the second half of the Sanor group’s day on the water, when just after 3pm something MASSIVE hit a ballyhoo and gulped the hook.

After a brief but breathtaking battle this behemoth bellied up to the boat. Estimated by Alex to weigh 300+lbs., this Blue Marlin is a devastating hunter and a true fish of a lifetime.

Alex executed a safe revival and release and we are proud to report that this monster swam away unharmed and will be back for more someday soon.

Once again the mighty Wanderer with Captain William and First Mate Alex proves why she is the best boat in the bay, and maybe in all of Costa Rica.

December 7, 2012

One day after catching a nice Dorado on board the Adventurer client John Hicks and his lady stepped up to the Super panga and mimicked their performance with another healthy Dorado.

Things really took off for John the next day, when the Explorer encountered a mean 110lbs. Sailfish about 7 miles from shore. It took every ounce of available strength to bring this monster alongside for the release. Great work by Captain David on the wheel and Mate Carlos on the safe release.

John continued the strong fishing by dropping another 20lbs. Dorado and a 25lbs. Yellowfin Tuna into the icebox.

December 2, 2012

Brian Vetrone and his friends had a landmark day on the unbeatable Explorer on the 2nd. First up was the standard ration of Dorados:

They boated four tasty greenies ranging from 25lbs. – 40lbs.

Around 1 pm the line screamed off the reel, indicating that something big had taken the bait. Brian stood tough in the face of this 180lbs. Sailfish and Carlos executed a safe release after a 25 minute fight.

Excellent work as usual by Captain David and the Explorer!

November 24, 2012

Hulsey Bray signed up the mighty Wanderer for a full day excursion on November 24 and once again the blue beauty delivered the goods. Captain William used the time-honored hunting tactic of following schools of spinning dolphin to the target zone.

As the smartest creature in the sea and man’s closest genetic marine equivalent, dolphins are a fisherman’s ally because they corral smaller baitfish into spherical pods.

These pods are feeding beacons to larger pelagics (Yellowfin Tuna, Sailfish, Marlin, etc.) so it’s no suprise that Hulsey pulled this monster Pacific Sailfish right out from under the feeding frenzy.

This beast is estimated to weigh 100lbs. and is a sign of good fishing to come in the next few weeks. Another great release by the famous Wanderer.

November 21, 2012


Craig Sutton has been hunting billfish all week in between surf sessions with his extended family and relaxing on the NPR campus. The waves have been strong but the billfish have been scarce.

The Explorer sought to end the drought on November 21 as Captain David pointed the super panga off shore. Just after 9pm this Pacific Sailfish came screaming through the spread and even though he only weighs 85lbs. this Sail fought with vigor.

Craig and Carlos executed a safe revival and release as always, so we can look forward to seeing this bad mamajamma later on down the line. when he weighs 185lbs.!

Craig still has two more fishing days so lets see if he can find that ever-elusive Marlin. Stay Tuned!


November 18, 2012

Brad and Annette Negaard are visting Nosara from good ole’ Jacksonville, FL and they are just the most recent in a long line of First Coast anglers who’ve successfully invaded Sailfish City. The Wanderer headed offshore at 7am armed for battle and as usual the mighty flagship delivered the goods.

The Negaard’s are proud alums of Jacksonville University (mascot: Dolphins) so it is fitting that Annette and Brad bested two of the baddest fish in the ocean. Even in Costa Rica, Dolphins are smarter than Sailfish.

They had a double hook-up leading to a pair of safe releases, plus had a third Sailfish escape just a few yards from the boat. Great performance from these Northeast Florida anglers! Here’s the second release:

 The Negaards have another trip on the schedule for the 20th so stay tuned!

November 15, 2012

Our new buddy TJ Conrads brought his family down from Boise, ID to take aim at some big game. TJ is an interesting adventurer who wrote the book on traditional longbow hunting (hunting with a wooden bow and arrows that he literally makes).

For 30 years he has published Tradtional Bowhunter Magazine which is the leading voice in the field.

Mr. Conrads is also the author of the “Traditional Bowhunter’s Handbook” (left). 

He has hunted with bow and arrow all over the world, in every different place you can imagine. An outdoorsman’s outdoorsman, TJ was also thrilled with the idea of offshore Costa Rican fishing.

Fortunately the Wanderer never leaves port without a full quiver and Captain William set his aim offshore at the blue water beasties.

Things got off to a fast start with this bright green Dorado finding its way to the ice chest in the first hour of the half day trip.

This respectable Dorado clocks in around 25lbs. and will certainly keep the family fed for the week.

Captain William guided the Wanderer a little further offshore into billfish territory and on cue a mean pair of Sailfish took off with baits just after 10am.

TJ and the posse reeled ’em in while the crew coordinated the daring and difficult Double Sailfish Release.

Great safe fish-handling like always by the incomparable First Mate Alex, and truly a fishing feat for the ages by TJ Conrads and his family.

We look forward to seeing Mr. Conrads again down the road…can’t say the same for these fellas:

November 4, 2012

Another great trip for Scott and his group today on the Wanderer. They added to their tasty Dorado haul with two more monsters.

They also added the first big Yellowfin Tuna of the season with this excellent catch estimated at 25lbs.

Later in the day Scott released a nice Pacific Sailfish. Estimated to weigh around 115lbs., this is the first billfish release of the season for the flagship.

Nice wig…I guess the Halloween spirit stuck around a few extra days for this posse. As always this billfish was safely released and we look forward to catching him again.