March 22, 2011

On March 22 Rick Solomon and his family were on the Wanderer and caught the fish of a lifetime. This beauty was good enough to land them a spot in the FishingNosara Hall of Fame. Check out this Blue Marlin!

ย Marlin Release Costa Rica Blue Marlin Costa Rica

What a fighter! It is not often that First Mate Alex almost gets pulled in by a fish…good thing David had his back. Despite the strength of this fish, it was live released to battle another day.

Marlin Costa Rica

March 20, 2011

March 20 was Matty and Jack’s turn on the Wanderer, and a special day for Captain Jack. He was the main man on the ย Wanderer Construction yet this day marked his first time back on the boat he built.

Satisfied with the boat’s health after a year in the water, we stayed inshore in the morning to load up on more Yellowfin than we knew what to do with.

Yellowfin Tuna Costa Ricaย 

At noon they were joined by Craig and William Kidd of North Carolina for some offshore trolling. Mr. Kidd reeled in this magnificant Dorado estimated to weigh 50 lbs. The strike came just before 5 pm…Long day, but well worth the wait.

Fighting Fish in Costa Rica

March 19, 2011

The Explorer was on the hill getting its monthly upkeep today (and getting some slick new rod holders on the transom), so it fell the Wanderer to pick up the slack…and boy did they ever!

Wanderer Costa Rica

First up, Captain William found an awesome Dorado bite around 2 pm and stayed on it until the box was stuffed with three nice greenies. Alex pulled some incredible gaff shots on these monsters.

Costa Rica Dorado

With the meat on ice the blue beauty tried to add a trophy fish to the trip to make it perfect. Around 5 pm the moon came up and right behind it was this massive Sailfish. Great work on the billshot and release as always.

Costa Rica Sailfish Jump

Sailfish Costa Rica

With all the excitement surrounding the Explorer, the Safari Carts, the new shop, and all the other projects around here it is possible to forget that the big dog in this yard is the big blue billfish battlewagon….Wanderer!

March 17, 2011

There were three trips booked on the Wanderer on March 17 and all of the clients caught fish and had a great time. First up this little dude turned out to be a Yellowfin Tuna’s worst nightmare:

ย ย Costa Rica Family Fishing

Later in the afternoon the Yellowfin bite intensified and the catches kept getting bigger: Costa Rica Yellowfin Tuna Yellowfin Tuna Nosara

Finally in the evening, the big red monster came calling and the boys on the Wanderer knew how to handle the beast. This is clearly one of the bigger Cuberra Snappers of the season so far. What a great day from Captain William and First Mate Alex!

Nosara Fishing Snapper

March 5, 2011

We were predicting a good day and sure enough the big Sailfish came calling. Our on the Wanderer Catherine Chase had a magnificent day on the blue water. They raised several Marlin and Sailfish, with four successful releases added to the scorecard.

March 5 brought one of our favorite clients Catherine Chase out on the Wanderer. Last year she worked over the Dorados, but nothing could prepare her for this magnificent day on the blue water.

Woman Fishing in Costa Rica

Why bother explaining how Catherine and the boys pulled off the now-legendary Double Double Sailfish…just let the pictures do the talking:

Double Billshot

All Four Fish Live Released

Please note that our crews have decades of combined experience handling these fish. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS PHOTOGRAPH!!! While exciting, the double billshot can be very hazardous to fish, boat, and humans alike. Unless you also have a lifetime of experience on the water, don’t even think about it!

Meanwhile on the Explorer, Captain David and client David Mederos got a nice sailfish of their own.


Sailfish Costa Rica

As always, this billfish was safely released to fight another day.

Sailfish Release

After the Sailfish release, they experimented with fly fishing for Yellowfin tuna over the reefs…we are actively looking for fly fishing experts who want to try their hand on the Roosterfish, Cuberras, and even Billfish.

March 4, 2011

The blue water is bubbling with action this weekend and our boats and Captains are ready to pull some fish out of the boil. Yesterday, client Chris Graves on the Wanderer hooked up a big sailfish but lost it after 40 seconds of jumping and tailwalking. He finished his day inshore and caught a pair of nice Yellowfin tunas.

This morning our great friend Katherine Chase is out on the Wanderer seeking Sails, Marlin and Tunas. Also, Robert Mederos is out on the Explorer already scouring the reefs for Roosterfish and Tunas. Should be a great day!

March 1, 2011

Elliot and the boys just won’t quit! After two days of taking a huge chunk out of the local Yellowfin Tuna population, the crew loaded up on the Wanderer for a move up the food chain to the big blue water billfish.

Costa Rica Sailfish Catch

Once again, things went well for Elliot as they released two awesome Sailfish offshore.

Sailfish Fishing Costa Rica

Fishing Costa Rica

Several fantastic trips for these guys. Great work by Captains and crew!

Nosara Fishing Trip