Aggressive Black Marlin

“Just one of many videos we took on our recent Costa Rica trip. This one is of a giant Marlin I caught shortly after Marcia and I released a nice double sailfish hookup! It is now thought by most that she is in fact a Black Marlin between 450-500lbs, at first thought to be a Blue Marlin. Worked her aggressively standing and got her boatside in less than hour.”

“We released this fish after after pulling her a good while, her color returned vividly, spectacular and will post that release video soon and some other great vids!”

“Listen closely to the mates first comment as he grabs the bill…….funny….enjoy!” -Tyson Wegman

May 30, 2011

Make some room in the Hall of Fame for Tyson Wegman! After an excellent day with Captain David on the Explorer, Mr. Wegman and his squeeze took to the Wanderer with the sole intention of catching billfish…what happened is a day of big Marlin and multiple Sailfish releases by the big blue beauty.

They got on the water early and at around 8am the first bills came calling. First Mate Alex set the hook in the first Sailfish and handed off to Tyson when immediately the long outrigger popped out of the clip…another Sailfish was on the hook!

The combination of  top-notch tackle, consistent angling,  Captain William’s stellar boat handling brought home this amazing Double Sailfish Release.

This kind of catch is enough to earn Tyson enshrinement in the Hall of Fame, but the fish that came calling an hour later at 9:30am was truly the fish of a lifetime:

Estimated weight: 500+lbs. Released: You betcha. First Mate Alex: He may look exhausted, but you try wrangling a half-ton of billfish in less than an hour and we’ll see how you feel. This capped off two excellent days of fishing for Tyson Wegman and we can’t wait to see him back in Nosara soon…the billfish may not feel this way!

Let’s check out her pictures from this exact moment in time:

Fantastic work by Captain William, Alex, and the Wegman group! You sir, are now officially a legend.

May 28, 2011

A day that will live forever in the annals of FishingNosara history! First off, Master Captain Vibert on the Cabo welcomed back Ivan DeLuca, a longtime friend and repeat client for a day of offshore billfish hunting. They had some good early action on the troll, then nailed a sweet 150lbs. Striped Marlin.

Meanwhile over on the famous Wanderer client Jesse Feldman and his posse had a counter to Vibert’s great catch. How about a 300lbs. Blue Marlin release?

As icing on the cake they boated a pair of nice yella fellas for the table. It used to be said that the Marlin bite turns off after Easter…Great work by the Wanderer and the Cabo to prove that the Marlin bite down here does in fact stay on well into September.

April 25, 2011

The Devil in the Blue Dress is back!

Michael booked the Wanderer for a great day of fishing with the family today. Captain William kept them on the fish and First Mate Alex along with Captain David on loan from the Explorer brought the big boys home with quickness and skill.

First up was a nice 35lbs. Dorado, but the monsters came up to feed later in the day.

Of course this beauty was safely released.

Michael and his posse added two more great billfish releases to the Wanderer‘s scorecard: a 100lbs. Sailfish and a MASSIVE 300lbs. Blue Marlin. Great work by anglers and crew on this fantastic day!

March 23, 2011

As the Ship of Fools Tournament neared, the scrimmage match with the Explorer came at a perfect time. Basically the Wanderer was not about to let the litte brother eat all the food.

After Jack’s first sailfish catch on the Super Panga, Captain William came roaring up from behind and immediately put a nice Sailfish on the hook. A short fight and a quick release later and the score was nearly tied with the Explorer holding a slim lead in the form of a Bluefin tuna and a White tuna.


When Alex returned the teasers to the water he noticed that a curious Marlin had popped up about 50 yards behind the boat. He immediately pitched a rigged ballyhoo to the blue monster and set the hook.

So the Wanderer won the scrimmage, but the ability to share spots and tactics certainly helped FishingNosara find its way to the leaderboard come tournament time.

March 23, 2011

What better way to prepare for the Ship of Fools Tournament than a little intersquad scrimmage between the Wanderer and the Explorer.

On the Super Panga was Captain David, Craig, Matty, and Jack who had their sights set on Sailfish. Sure enough after the daily mopping of stray tunas on the ride out Captain David set the TLDs out in a classic Bait-and-switch high speed spread.

Around 10 am the first bill started shopping the baits, first the short line, then the long outrigger, and finally settling on a bonefish rigged on the shotgun line. The line screamed off and Jack locked in for the fight. In shockingly efficent fight, Jack brought the Sailfish home in 8 minutes. Great work by boat, angler, and Captain.

Meanwhile, the Wanderer was not about to let the litte brother eat all the food. They came roaring up behind the Explorer and immediately put a nice Sailfish on the hook. A short fight and a quick release later and the score was nearly tied with the Explorer holding a slim lead in the form of a Bluefin tuna and a White tuna.


When Alex returned the teasers to the water he noticed that a curious Marlin had popped up about 50 yards behind the boat. He immediately pitched a rigged ballyhoo to the blue monster and set the hook with expert ease.

So the Wanderer won the scrimmage, but the ability to share spots and tactics will no doubt help FishingNosara find its way to the top of the leaderboard this weekend.

March 22, 2011

On March 22 Rick Solomon and his family were on the Wanderer and caught the fish of a lifetime. This beauty was good enough to land them a spot in the FishingNosara Hall of Fame. Check out this Blue Marlin!

 Marlin Release Costa Rica Blue Marlin Costa Rica

What a fighter! It is not often that First Mate Alex almost gets pulled in by a fish…good thing David had his back. Despite the strength of this fish, it was live released to battle another day.

Marlin Costa Rica

March 13, 2011

The big score came on March 13 with client Dewey Gile who packed the fishbox with four nice Yellowfin Tunas. Adding a Marlin release to that day would be the trip of a lifetime right? How about TWO Blue marlins?

Blue Marlin Costa Rica

That’s right! Performing like a boat twice her size, the Explorer captured the flag this weekend. Lots of Yellowfins and a double Blue Marlin day…doesn’t get much better than that!

January 22, 2011

The Cox family have been tearing the water up this week, but they truly saved the best for last.

After some great action on the Wanderer followed by more fish on the Explorer, the First Coast couple were back on the blue beauty for some big-time Marlin Hunting.

Fishin’ Accomplished! Great work by the Roy and Cathy Cox and the entire FishingNosara team.

January 19, 2011

We promised photos of Captain Vibert and client Dick Stacey’s Blue Marlin, and here it is! What a great catch by Mr. Stacey and as always some amazing boat-handling and angling by Captain Vibert and Mate Marcos.

Captain Vibert and the Cabo have hit their stride arleady this season and we expect even more great trips from the Master Captain in the future.