January 7, 2012

Our good friend Dan Pai was back on the water with Captain William and the famous Wanderer. He was joined by his son and they had an excellent day of rod-bendin’ inshore action.

They had a few early Bonita that served as excellent bait hunks, which in turn led to a half-dozen beautiful Jack Crevalles in the fishbox.

Great work by the Pai boys and the 31-foot Wanderer!

January 6, 2012

Betsy Parker and her party had a huge day on the famous Wanderer today highlighted by the first Rooster fish release of the season. Although this is not the biggest specimen of pez gallo we have seen down here, it’s still the fish of a lifetime for the inshore angler.

This one was estimated to weigh 25lbs. and she backed up that catch with a nice White tuna, three Bonitas and five Jack Crevalles between 15-25lbs.

Great inshore action from the big blue beauty called the Wanderer.

December 31, 2011

Neil Sawyer and his buddy joined Captain William and First Mate Alex on the Wanderer for a day of fishing that would produce a very rare and elusive species: the Blue Jack Crevalle. This fish occupies the same reef shelf as it’s more common silver colored brethren yet is much more reclusive and is usually hesitant to emerge from the reef to strike.

Sometimes in fishing you get things you can’t explain and such big Blue Jacks hitting on surface-bobbing topwater plugs is a bit mysterious. Neil wasn’t concerned with an oceanography lesson cause when the lines popped off the South Carolina angler had the skills to put this Blue Jacks on ice.

They followed up with a few more standard-issue Jack Crevalles and these boys are sitting on enough sushi to stay fed well into 2012.

Excellent work on a unique fish by Neil Sawyer and the mighty Wanderer.

December 28, 2011

Gary Stacey booked the Wanderer for a full 8 hour day on the blue water and the flagship delivered the goods for this Missouri-based angler. The spinning porpoises led the way to a large mancha (school) of feasting Yellowfin Tunas.

The boys broke out the topwater plugs and the big Yellas couldn’t resist. Gary has plenty of sushi eating to do in the near future, as once again the fishbox of the mighty Wanderer just can’t stay clean!

December 23, 2011

The billfish have been thick the last few weeks so when client Mike Brown booked a full 8hr. trip on the Wanderer that there would be some billfish action. Captain William pointed the flagship south and headed offshore to the blue water break.

The Sailfish came in hot and heavy just after 1pm and they began attacking in waves. Mike and his posse had a shot at 4 sails and ended up with two safe releases.

They also had a curious Marlin whack the teaser but the fish did not eat this time. In addition, they lost a nice Dorado.

However the Christmas season is about relishing what you do have not what you are missing, and Mike Brown’s group had two amazing billfish release.

December 21, 2011

Client Dave Eisner and his posse had a magnificent Marlin release on the Wanderer today! This 200lbs. behemoth nailed the starboard side outrigger bait and the fight was on for the Philadelphia-based angler.

Captain William kept the big blue beauty perfectly angled for the fight and First Mate Alex backed it up with a textbook billfish release.

December 14, 2011

Our buddy Jeff Grosshandler of Namaste Oasis has been in town fishing with his uncle for the last week and their trip on Wednesday brought another beautiful Pacific Sail to the Wanderer.

Though Mr. Grosshandler has fished with us many times in the last two years I believe this is Jeff’s first Billfish. This is truly a mighty trophy fish for the Hoboken, NJ based angler. Looks like Jeff has the eye of the tiger!

Welcome to the bill collector’s club Jeff!

December 13, 2011

Frank Keres returned to shore with a big smile today. He booked the Wanderer for a offshore billfish hunt and his persistence was rewarded with not one but two fish of a lifetime.

Around 1:30pm the first big fish came calling and it was a gigantic Sailfish. A great short fight and perfect release ensued; little did Frank and his group know that this monster was just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Not 15 minutes after releasing the sailfish, ‘El Cachudo Grande’ (Big Marlin in gringo) came barreling through the spread. The fight was intense but Mr. Keres managed to keep the fish calm and motivated toward the Wanderer.

Captain William expertly kept the angler in a position of strength while in the cockpit First Mate Alex billed and released the fish with his trademark fearlessness.

Excellent work by the Keres group and the mighty Wanderer!

December 12, 2011

Our great friend Jeff Grosshandler and his uncle Arthur enlisted Captain William and First Mate Alex for an offshore billfish hunt today on the mighty Wanderer. They set off for the blue water and had two good shots at Pacific Sailfish.

These guys are used to fishing the brutal waters of the Northeast Atlantic where a 120 mile trip to deep water is the norm. Quite a change of pace to ride for 15 minutes and be in 600 feet of water!

The first one spit the hook, but his buddy gulped the ballyhoo from the long shotgun line and the fight was on!

The mighty Sailfish bucked and danced, tail-walking and grey-hounding  the whole way but Arthur Grosshandler kept tension on the line as Captain William expertly backed the Wanderer toward the fish.

A brief fight ensued and First Mate Alex professionally handled and released this beauty unstressed and unharmed.

“We had a good fight and my uncle and I had a great time. Alex and William really are a great team, Alex very much impressed my uncle….he was smiles ear to ear. Plus the weather was great and hopefully we will get some more on Wednesday.” -Jeff Grosshandler

We’re looking forward to it…can’t say the same for the fish though!