June 18, 2011

On June 18 Charlie Pharr and his friends booked the Wanderer for a half day and started the morning off right. Nothing feels better than putting TWO 60lbs. Yellowfin Tuna in the box before noon! Then they raised two Sailfish but could not convince them to eat.

By the end of the trip they had two 60+ lbs. Yellas and also a couple of 20lbs. From football-sized to football-player-sized, the Yellowfin Tuna bite was ON FIRE this month!

June 13, 2011

Captain David is the go-to-guy for sunset fishing trips; these late-afternoon 3 hour trips are a great way to introduce kids and novice anglers to the joy of Costa Rica sport fishing without committing to the expense and exertion of a full day on the water. Client Marc brought his daughter along for a sunset cruise yesterday evening and checked in with this nice Yellowfin Tuna.

The Explorer has seen many first-time anglers cut their teeth, and Captain David’s steady boat handling and genuine good nature have made it a fishing experience to last a lifetime for these young anglers. The look on the little lady’s face says it all!

June 11, 2011

Captain David welcome client Daniel to the Explorer today and they did some serious work on the Yellowfin Tuna. With Garza Bay and the green mountains looming in the backround of Pinca Padre, David parked the the 26′ Super Panga in her usual spot on the reef. The classic Bonita chunk/knocker rig was the weapon of choice, and as always the Yella Fellas couldn’t resist it.

Another great trip from Captain David and the Explorer.

May 28, 2011

A day that will live forever in the annals of FishingNosara history! First off, Master Captain Vibert on the Cabo welcomed back Ivan DeLuca, a longtime friend and repeat client for a day of offshore billfish hunting. They had some good early action on the troll, then nailed a sweet 150lbs. Striped Marlin.

Meanwhile over on the famous Wanderer client Jesse Feldman and his posse had a counter to Vibert’s great catch. How about a 300lbs. Blue Marlin release?

As icing on the cake they boated a pair of nice yella fellas for the table. It used to be said that the Marlin bite turns off after Easter…Great work by the Wanderer and the Cabo to prove that the Marlin bite down here does in fact stay on well into September.

May 20, 2011

On May 20 Craig, Paula, and local Dan Rey took the Wanderer offshore again looking for the blue water break. After 8 miles and only a few jumping Sailfish, they thought better of the offshore action and returned inshore where most of that week’s good catches had been made. On cue they nailed a pair of Yellowfin tunas for the fishbox.

With billfish hunting you must be prepared to put in long hours trolling while waiting for that one big strike. Despite the zero releases, the late-day tuna scores really proves Captain William’s mettle and never-give-up spirit…even on a bad day the Wanderer catches fish.

Did you know that Jim Morrison is still alive and fishing with us in Nosara?

Just kidding, that’s our good buddy Dan Rey with a pair of Yellowfins, but the resemblance is striking!

May 17, 2011

Fred Schramm and Eddie McGowan were kicking some fish butt all over the reef on from May 5 to May 17 with Captain David on the Explorer. Lots of Tunas in all varieties: White, Black, Yellowfin…the action was so hot we thought they might catch a can of Albacore!

Freddy and Eddie fished the next day with slow action, then on May 7 it picked up in a remarkable way. Captain David put them on the fish and they kept the decks bloody from start to finish. They hit shore with ten Yellowfin Tunas and ten Jacks in the fishbox. All the fish weighed over 15lbs., with a few of the Yella Fellas in the twenties.

Fantastic fourth day of fishing on May 9 with Captain David; as if their previous assault on Yellowfin tunas wasn’t enough, they boated twelve more of the meaty Yellow footballs on this trip. This 45lbs. Cuberra was the perfect finish to another great trip.

Fred Schramm and Eddie McGowan would not give these fish a break! On their fifth day of fishing on the Explorer they caught five more Yellowfin Tunas and another nice Cuberra Snapper; the big red Buick was estimated around 35lbs.

Freddy and Eddie came back on May 17 for a victory lap on the Explorer. They did their typical awesome work on the reefs and nailed another nice Cuberra Snapper and one of the largest Rainbow Runners we have seen this season.

Regular readers of this report know that Captain David has a great affection for loudly-colored boardshorts, so you know he was a fan of these Dorado shorts. Great catches by Fred Schramm and Eddie McGowan on a long week of excellent action.

May 16, 2011

The Wanderer welcomed client Benjamin and his posse for a great day of fishing. Lots of action on the Yella fellas, big pink filets in the box, and even bigger smiles for the clients. A great trip to end a month that seems to just keep getting better.

The bite is sure to stay strong for the coming months and we know that wherever the fish are, Captain William will be right on top of them in the big blue beauty Wanderer.

May 15, 2011

May 15 was a double duty day for Alex and Captain William. In the morning they welcome client Marc from New York for a 3 hr. Yellowfin tuna hunt.

Craig, Paula and Javier went offshore for a billfish hunt that afternoon; unfortunately they only raised one sail.

Two days later they stayed inshore and worked over a school of Jack Crevelle and Bonita, then finished off the day by parking over a mancha (school) of Yellowfin Tuna; several double hook-ups led to some nice fish in the box: five Yellowfin tunas, eight Jack Crevelle, five Bonita, and a HUGE Needlefish