January 12, 2012

Unfortunately water and wind conditions have made offshore billfishing a fruitless venture for the last five days or so, but the Captains and crews of FishingNosara are not ones to throw in the towel when the going gets tough.

The boys have stayed inshore this week and satisfied their clients with big Jack Crevalles and other reef dwellers. Client John Wellborn booked the Explorer on January 12 and in addition to the requisite Crevalles, Mr. Wellborn found himself on the business end of a monster Cubera Snapper.

This meaty bulldog weighed about 30lbs. and should keep John Wellborn and his group full of fish for several days. Excellent job by Captain David of adapting to the difficult offshore conditions and delivering the goods for his clients.

January 11, 2012

The Explorer played host to a company outing starring El Jefe Javier Hernandez doing work on the inshore species that have moved into the area. Looking sharp in his dress whites, the GM of Nosara Paradise Rentals showed his mastery of marine marksmanship.

Javier nailed this nice Jack Crevelle in the late afternoon and piled the fishbox with several other nice catches. Nice evening of “work” for Javier!

January 11, 2012

We have received word of a MASSIVE Dorado caught on the Wanderer by client Jim Bates that may be the biggest of the season so far. Captain William reports that this monster weighed upwards of 50lbs. and by these pictures I think he may be underestimating a bit.

What an excellent gaff shot by First Mate Alex! For those who don’t know the goal is to strike the fish in the head as far from the filets as possible. This prevents blood contamination in the meat and ensures maximum meat yield.

“Thanks for everything Craig…we will back again. The house was great and my friends had a great time. The Wanderer was a nice boat and great crew. We saw lots of wildlife and caught dinner…not bad! Thanks again for all your hospitality  we will be back as soon as we can.” -Jim Bates

January 10, 2012

Lots of sad faces around Garza today because the offshore fishing has been really slow.  Today nine boats went offshore and just one saw a Sailfish. On the Wanderer client Allen Valique lost 2 big Dorados and the only boats reporting catches were of the small Bonita or Jack Crevalle variety.

The prevailing logic is that the full moon screwed up the feeding pattern and that as the moon wanes the bite should turn back on in a big way. Stay tuned!

January 9, 2012

Calm seas and clear water meant that January 9 was a perfect day for a family snorkeling trip. Client Jens Mickstrom from Denmark booked the Explorer for a combination snorkeling/fishing excursion and had a great time with his wife and kids.

In these pictures the Danes are taking a break on a reef outcropping just a few feet below the surface. Excellent navigation by Captain David in showing these clients all the good underwater vistas all the while maintaining overwatch on the snorkelers.

Another safe and fun Safari Tour from FishingNosara!

January 8, 2012

Very productive day of fishing on the Explorer for Colorado-based client Adrian Archuleta with lots of good inshore action.

Captain David kept this group parked on top of the legendary reef at Pincha Padre and the Jack Crevalles showed up with big appetites. By the end of the half-day trip they had put eight lovely Jacks in the fishbox.

Excellent work as always by Captain David, Mate Carlos and the unstoppable Explorer.

January 7, 2012

After boating 15 nice fish to finish 2011, Sr. Eduardo Berrios and his padre set out to make their first trip of 2012 just as fruitful.

They put several Bonita in the bait bucket to get started then put the teasers out for billfish.

Captian David keep changing up the Explorer‘s spread to try to coax the big billfish up to the surface.

Unfortunately the Sails and Marlin were scarce and the Berrios boys only had a few small nibbles on the trip.

Eduardo uploaded this photo from the boat along with this caption:

“Heading home after spending the entire day on the water. No billfish but we still had a great time.”

January 7, 2012

Our good friend Dan Pai was back on the water with Captain William and the famous Wanderer. He was joined by his son and they had an excellent day of rod-bendin’ inshore action.

They had a few early Bonita that served as excellent bait hunks, which in turn led to a half-dozen beautiful Jack Crevalles in the fishbox.

Great work by the Pai boys and the 31-foot Wanderer!

January 6, 2012

Betsy Parker and her party had a huge day on the famous Wanderer today highlighted by the first Rooster fish release of the season. Although this is not the biggest specimen of pez gallo we have seen down here, it’s still the fish of a lifetime for the inshore angler.

This one was estimated to weigh 25lbs. and she backed up that catch with a nice White tuna, three Bonitas and five Jack Crevalles between 15-25lbs.

Great inshore action from the big blue beauty called the Wanderer.

January 3, 2012

John Fitzgerald from Connecticut caught the first Striped Marlin of the season today on the 26-foot fish-fightin’ Explorer. This rarest of all Marlin species weighed and estimated 200lbs. and was released alive and unstressed as always.

Excellent work by First Mate Carlos on the safe handling of this majestic fish.

It’s amazing how fast the fishing can turn down here…just yesterday Captain William of the Wanderer filed this unfortunate report: “Well, really slow today. We only had a sail on the teaser, but nothing. It’s too windy offshore and the water is green.” Now, Captain William can catch fish in a crock pot so if he says they ain’t bitin’ trust me they ain’t bitin’

Just a day later and Mr. Fitzgerald potentially fished himself right into the Hall of Fame.  He backed up the Marlin release with this nice Jack on a topwater plug.

Check out this email we got from Mr. Fitzgerald: Hey Craig just wanted to let you know that Cap David and Carlos are a great team! They put me on a bunch of fish today including a 200 plus Striped Marlin!!! Pura Vida! Many thanks John Fitz”

Great work by Captain David, First Mate Carlos, John Fitzgerald and the unconquerable Explorer on the first Striped Marlin of the season.