March 25, 2014

Darren Cook and his son knocked out a pair of aggressive billfish today on the mighty Wanderer.

Young Mr. Cook strapped in to battle a Sailfish that charged the boat so hard it almost passed by Captain William’s helm station.

After the safe release, Darren found himself in a fight with a day-glo Striped Marlin.




February 18, 2014

Bob and Helen Goins turned in a remarkable performance on the mighty Wanderer with two Marlin releases along with a bunch of Sails.

Helen broke the ice early with a wonderful Striped Marlin release…like most of our CCA NC anglers these folks know what to do with a rod in their hands.

The Marlin have been soft-biting so far this season, so the ever-tinkering First Mate Alex has begun to experiment with brightly colored skirts for the ballyhoo.

These did the trick as the Goins group started racking up Sailfish releases in the middle part of the day.

The finale was also the highlight as Bob reeled in this awesome Blue Marlin.

Estimated over 300lbs., this is one of the bigger Blue Marlin you’ll see around here.

Great work by the Master Captain William and the Super Mate Alex on this amazing day of bill collecting.

February 13, 2014

Ryan Harrington and Mackenzie Ruhnke came to Costa Rica to tie the knot, but these honeymooners found out that tied to the end of their knot was this 400+ Marlin:

Captain David cut down the angles on the high-flying beast while Ryan put tighten the the screws on her.

Mate Kevin kept this monster under control, and saw to a picture-perfect Marlin release.

Later in the day they scored a few Sailfish releases to round out the trip.

Great times on the Explorer for the new bride and groom!


February 2, 2014

You gotta love this itinerary: 6 nights in Nosara, 5 days of fishing!

The hardcore angling quartet of Ben James, Brad Simons, Chad Langley, and Kevin Poole began their fishing odyssey on board the legendary Explorer on February 2.

To say they got off to a fast start is the understatement of the year:

This high-flying Striped Marlin ain’t the biggest bully in the schoolyard but he had moves like a welterweight champion.

Chad put the screws to this fish as Captain David did everything he could to keep her centered behind the cockpit.

Finally they got the fish alongside and the fearless Captain Carlos (on loan from the Adventurer) executed a perfect billshot and release.

Later Ben got into it with a very aggressive Sailfish, but once again this billfish was no match for the barroom brawler Explorer.

These boys didn’t go hungry either, as Kevin KO’d this nice Dorado and Brad added a tasty White Tuna.

Good start to what should be a legendary week of hardcore fishing.

January 15, 2014

Catherine Chase and Ron LaGro have been fishing with us since 2009, and the Wanderer always performs when they take to the blue water. Click this link to check out their prior trips; these two are pulled off the first Double Sailfish release!

Anyways, their trip on January 15 produced the baddest Black Marlin of the season so far…take a look at the shoulders on this gorilla:

Let’s watch from the hook-up to the release:


Ron LaGro fought the Black well, allowing it to tire itself out deep rather than allow it to put on an aerial display.

The fight was short and efficient and Alex executed a perfect release as usual.

Later in the day Catherine scored on billfish with this lovely Sailfish release.

Ron countered with a Sailfish release of his own to finish off the trip.

Amazing work by the flagship Wanderer and these super-angler clients.

January 6, 2014

Four-time Hall of Famer Dennis Paul and the lovely Barbara Dayhoff are back in Nosara for a week of fun fishing action.

Barbara led off the day with a wonderful Sailfish release.

Later in the trip a big bad Striped Marlin hit the spread and the fight was on!

This fish stayed deep in the water and challenged Dennis to a tug-of-war…this is unusual behavior from a small Stripey as they usually put on an acrobatic display above the water.

Dennis used the fighting chair, his own custom fishing belt, and a little help from First Mate Alex to land this beast.

Great work by the flagship and, dare-I-say the FIVE time Hall of Famer Dennis Paul.

January 2, 2014

Maikel Cotton’s group exploded onto the scene on the mighty Wanderer with a Striped Marlin release backed up by several Sailfish and a few Dorados for good measure.

This Stripey was the highlight of the trip and is estimated by First Mate Alex to weigh in around 250lbs.

Captain William has the map to Sailfish City and once again put his clients right on top of a swarm of super Sailfish.

Dorado filets round out this trip for these fun-loving clients!

Great work all around by Captain William and First Mate Alex, the Kings of Garza Bay!

December 30, 2013

Kirk Sandifer and his group enlisted the flagship Wanderer for a morning half day, and they had a brilliant day of blue water fishing. The action started early with a nice trio of Sailfish releases early in the day.

The action intensified when a mammoth Blue Marlin flew through the spread and was expertly hooked by First Mate Alex.

This fight was on, but this monster was no match for Art and the boys.

First Mate Alex turned this Marlin loose, but the Sailfish bite stayed hot yielding another pair of excellent releases.

The walk off shot was the release of ANOTHER big Blue Marlin!

This beast is by far the largest Marlin of the season so far and is truly the fish of a lifetime.

Masterful work by the legendary duo of Captain William and First Mate Alex of the famous Wanderer.

Two Marlins and four Sails on a 5hr. trip? That is the stuff of legend!

“We had a great trip in Nosara, I only wished we could have fished more. The one day with Captain William and Alex, we released 5 sails and 1 blue Marlin.”

“As I was hoping for, my son who just celebrated his nineteenth birthday caught his first bill fish; 1 sail at 9:30 AM and a blue at 11AM.”

“Great day with your team Alex is a beast and William landed us on the bills. They work so good together we just decided to stay out of their way.”

“Our hook up ratio was strong, something like 6 for 9 strikes.”

“Awesome day in Costa Rica. Pura Vida baby!!!”

Kirk Sandifer

December 21, 2013

Matt and Kim Lowe brought their family down to Nosara and enjoyed some excellent fishing action on the Wanderer. You know it’s going to beย  a nice trip when it starts off with a double Sailfish hookup.

Next up was a meaty Dorado snared by Matt Lowe. It’s awesome to see the kids get involved in the action…check out this beast!

ย The highlight of the trip was Mrs. Lowe releasing this awesome Blue Marlin.

This high-flyer was a real fighter but the combination of Captain William on the wheel and First Mate Alex on the billshot, it never had a chance.

Matt finished off the day with another great Sailfish release…this Alaska-based fishing family has got the billfish game all figured out.

“I wanted to let you know that we had an amazing time fishing on Saturday,” Kim wrote in an email. “The crew was amazing and the fishing was out of this world.”

December 7, 2013

Mark Boyer and his family are from the hard-fishin’ town of Orange Park, FL just 10 miles south of our shops in Jacksonville. This hardy angler won his trip to Nosara at the Greater Jacksonville Kingfish Tournament last July, and they scored big fish in Costa Rica like many of our Northeast Florida guests.

The Boyer family got off to a fast start with a trio of excellent Sailfish release.

After Mom scored the first release, it was time for the kids to flex their fishing muscles on a subsequent pair of Sails.

This one really lit up the sky with some above the water fireworks!

After the safe releasesm by First Mate Alex, Mark Boyer stepped up to the plate and bested the first Marlin of the young season on the mighty Wanderer.

It wasn’t just big billfish on the menu for the Boyers…check out these beautiful Dorados they put on ice!

Another great performance by the flagship with this great Florida family!