March 13, 2011

The big score came on March 13 with client Dewey Gile who packed the fishbox with four nice Yellowfin Tunas. Adding a Marlin release to that day would be the trip of a lifetime right? How about TWO Blue marlins?

Blue Marlin Costa Rica

That’s right! Performing like a boat twice her size, the Explorer captured the flag this weekend. Lots of Yellowfins and a double Blue Marlin day…doesn’t get much better than that!

February 13, 2011

Great news from the Explorer! Client George Shipley had a banner day on the 26′ Super Panga with the boat’s first ever Double Billfish day. Captain David pointed the Explorer just a little more offshore than usual, and just like that this 200lbs.+ Striped Marlin came tearing through the spread.

A quick fight and a photograph later, then it was time to get the lines back out and go for number two. Before long they had nabbed this 100lbs. Sailfish to complete the day.

These are outstanding results for just a 5 hr. trip, and Captain David has shown that the Explorer can deliver great fishing action usually thought possible on boats twice her size.

February 9, 2011

We knew it was only a matter of time until the lady in the blue dress came calling! Client Dennis Paul booked the Wanderer for an offshore billfish hunt.

With the rain swirling in the distance, this big girl came tearing through the spread right at 2:30pm. The fight was on as this Marlin bucked, bobbed and weaved all over the place.

After 45 minutes of combat, the Marlin was defeated and Dennis Paul had added one more safe marlin release to the Wanderer‘s scorecard.

The bite is starting to catch fire and we are spending this weekend prowling for pelagics. Look out for some great weekend action!

January 22, 2011

The Cox family have been tearing the water up this week, but they truly saved the best for last.

After some great action on the Wanderer followed by more fish on the Explorer, the First Coast couple were back on the blue beauty for some big-time Marlin Hunting.

Fishin’ Accomplished! Great work by the Roy and Cathy Cox and the entire FishingNosara team.

January 19, 2011

We promised photos of Captain Vibert and client Dick Stacey’s Blue Marlin, and here it is! What a great catch by Mr. Stacey and as always some amazing boat-handling and angling by Captain Vibert and Mate Marcos.

Captain Vibert and the Cabo have hit their stride arleady this season and we expect even more great trips from the Master Captain in the future.

January 17, 2011

Client Ed Haynes released a 450lbs. Marlin on the Wanderer today. Great work by Angler and crew…Check out Captain William himself on the billshot.

Also while bobbing around Garza Bay, First Mate Alex hooked up this massive 80lbs. Rooster Fish. Of course we released this fish immediately but it is still a heck of a catch for so close to shore. Nice fish Alex!

January 12, 2011

Fresh off of catching the first Sailfish on the Explorer, Steve Levin took to the Wanderer to continue his one man War on Billfish. On his first day he brought in this awesome Blue Marlin, estimated to weigh about 300lbs.

Like all billfish caught by FishingNosara crews, this Marlin was live released.

To follow up this legendary catch, Steve Levine and the boys took another shot at the billfish in the blue water. Check out this incredible sailfish:

After three great releases on two different boats, we’re sure that the local billfish population are glad to see Steve Levine go. Great fishing!

January 7, 2011

The Billfish bite is definitely heating up! Steve booked the Wanderer for a day of fishing and I am pleased to report that they released a 150lbs.  Stripe Marlin!

Also, over on the Explorer client Dean Ricci caught two Amberjack and two white tunas, all weighing between 15-20lbs. After this early morning trip, Captain David was joined by client Jacob Owen for an afternoon half-day. He caught a macarella and a white tuna.

The big fish are starting to rear their heads, so what are you waiting for? Get down to Nosara soon!

December 22, 2010

Client Steve Mears and his son joined Captain William and Alex for a day of billfish hunting, and the trip was a great success. Check out this 250lbs. Blue Marlin!

These majestic fish are incredibly challenging to catch and release, but the Wanderer is well-equipped to safely handle these marine monsters. Hopefully the blue water will continue to approach the shore and these kind of catches will become more frequent as the season rolls on.

If you want to catch the fish of a lifetime in Costa Rica, go with the best boat for the job: Captain William and First Mate Alex are ready to make your dreams come true on the Wanderer.