March 8, 2011

The same team of expert superstars from The Explorer Story and The Wanderer Story took a break from boat building to fabricate a trailer rack for FishingNosara’s 13′ Ocean Kayaks. Granted, as car guys this is right in Jack, Craig, and Matty’s comfort zone.

Kayak Rack

Take a look at the progress from a stock 8 foot trailer to a spiny, menacing, Road Warrior-esque battle wagon. This beast should be in Nosara sometime next week and be in full time service shortly thereafter.

Kayak Rack

Craig got in on the action and brought his old-school approach to bear on the cross-members. Even though we have power saws, he cut them all with a hacksaw and achieved perfectly equal lengths and nice flat corners. Can’t teach Experience kids!

Craig Sutton Jacksonville FL

Of course Jack has been welding for many years and this project was no challenge to his mammoth skills with the metal whip. From race cars to boat trailers, Jack has many successful welds under his belt.

Kayak Rack

Kayak Rack

Kayak Rack

By adding crossmember support to the stock trailer we estimate that the carrying capacity is double the stock load. Also the superstructure can be removed in a few minutes to allow for more utility from the trailer.

Despite the modifications and extreme attention to detail, this whole project took only one day of fabrication with a second day allocated for painting. Great work from the Dream Building Team!

March 7, 2011

It is with great joy that we announce the birth of Javier Hernandez’ first child: a beautiful, healthy baby boy. The birth occurred on March 7 in the afternoon, and mother and child are both resting comfortably.

Javier Hernandez has been with Nosara Paradise Rentals since the very beginning. Starting as a gardener and handyman, Sr. Hernandez immediately showed great leadership skills and potential far beyond his position.

Javier HernandezSince ascending to the position of General Manager, Javier has put his stamp of excellence on every aspect of the operation involving Nosara Paradise Rentals, FishingNosara, and Nosara Transport. Don’t just take my word for it: seems like every client testimonial on the internet gushes over Javier’s efforts to deliver the vacation of a lifetime to our clients.

He is a good boss, a great friend, and a true ambassador of the ‘Pura Vida’ spirit and of his homeland. Now he begins the most challenging task to date: fatherhood.

Javier Hernandez

Baby’s good, Mama’s good, Life’s good. Pura Vida!

Javier Hernandez

Presenting…Dario Hernandez

Dario Hernandez, Nosara Guanacaste CR

Javier y Dario Hernandez

March 5, 2011

We were predicting a good day and sure enough the big Sailfish came calling. Our on the Wanderer Catherine Chase had a magnificent day on the blue water. They raised several Marlin and Sailfish, with four successful releases added to the scorecard.

March 5 brought one of our favorite clients Catherine Chase out on the Wanderer. Last year she worked over the Dorados, but nothing could prepare her for this magnificent day on the blue water.

Woman Fishing in Costa Rica

Why bother explaining how Catherine and the boys pulled off the now-legendary Double Double Sailfish…just let the pictures do the talking:

Double Billshot

All Four Fish Live Released

Please note that our crews have decades of combined experience handling these fish. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS PHOTOGRAPH!!! While exciting, the double billshot can be very hazardous to fish, boat, and humans alike. Unless you also have a lifetime of experience on the water, don’t even think about it!

Meanwhile on the Explorer, Captain David and client David Mederos got a nice sailfish of their own.


Sailfish Costa Rica

As always, this billfish was safely released to fight another day.

Sailfish Release

After the Sailfish release, they experimented with fly fishing for Yellowfin tuna over the reefs…we are actively looking for fly fishing experts who want to try their hand on the Roosterfish, Cuberras, and even Billfish.

March 4, 2011

The blue water is bubbling with action this weekend and our boats and Captains are ready to pull some fish out of the boil. Yesterday, client Chris Graves on the Wanderer hooked up a big sailfish but lost it after 40 seconds of jumping and tailwalking. He finished his day inshore and caught a pair of nice Yellowfin tunas.

This morning our great friend Katherine Chase is out on the Wanderer seeking Sails, Marlin and Tunas. Also, Robert Mederos is out on the Explorer already scouring the reefs for Roosterfish and Tunas. Should be a great day!

March 2, 2011

Captain Vibert knows how to deliver lots of great fishing in a short amount of time. Yesterday client Donna and her group booked the Cabo for a 2.5 hour trip and they used up every minute of it.

Costa Rica Sunset

They caught two really nice Black Tunas and a feisty little Cuberra Snapper. As usual Master Captain Vibert and the Cabo are the unbeatable boat for consistent action.

March 1, 2011

Elliot and the boys just won’t quit! After two days of taking a huge chunk out of the local Yellowfin Tuna population, the crew loaded up on the Wanderer for a move up the food chain to the big blue water billfish.

Costa Rica Sailfish Catch

Once again, things went well for Elliot as they released two awesome Sailfish offshore.

Sailfish Fishing Costa Rica

Fishing Costa Rica

Several fantastic trips for these guys. Great work by Captains and crew!

Nosara Fishing Trip

February 28, 2011

Captain William welcomed these clients back to the Wanderer for a pleasant three-hour tour (sorry…it’s the Gilligan’s Island skipper hat that gets me).

Fishing Girl Costa Rica

Lines were popping the whole trip as they staying inshore over the reefs. They got a wide variety of fish including Yellowfin Tuna, Black Tuna and this nice Amberjack.

Girls Fishing in Costa Rica

Girl with Fish Costa Rica

Most importantly, everyone had a blast out on the water. Great trip!

February 27, 2011

Fantastic weekend of fishing for client Elliot and his posse. On Saturday they kicked off the morning on the Wanderer and caught a MASSIVE Cuberra Snapper. In the afternoon they went offshore and raised a few billfish.

Then on Sunday they accompanied Captain David on the Explorer for an inshore tuna hunt up and down the reefline. They action was intense with many multiple hook-ups and lots of surface activity.

First they caught and released this excellent Sailfish …

Costa Rica Sailfish

Costa Rica Sailfish

then moved inshore where the fishing was on fire! The Yellowfin bite would not let up until the fishbox was literaly stuffed. Thank goodness we are so close to shore because there was no way to close the cooler.

Yellowfin Tuna

Yellowfin Tuna Catch

They packed the fishbox of the Super Panga with 22 Yellowfin tunas by days end. Great work Elliot and crew!

February 26, 2011

The whole team was out on the water today, and though the big billfish were elusive today all of the boats got on some fish. There was a pair of sailfish strikes on the Wanderer but no releases; they spent the afternoon working over the inshore reefs and caught two Yellowfin tunas and a sweet Amberjack.

Explorer Fishng Boat

On the Explorer client Jess Lockmon took a 2.5 hour sunset fishing trip with Captain David, and they caught a fat Dorado on a slow troll. Great ending to a very long day for Captain David who mated on the Wanderer all day before this trip.

Yellowfin Tuna

If there’s fish to be caught, you know that Captain Eduardo and the Nice n’ Tight will be right on top of them. With clients Steven and Liam on board, the biggest little boat in Garza had a field day on some football sized Yella fellas.

Yellow fin Tuna

Great day for the whole FishingNosara family.