December 4, 2011

Lots of great action today as both the Wanderer and Explorer both have excellent trips to report.

Derek and Cynthia Bowker come to Nosara from the tiny town of Joesph, Oregon but this husband and wife team caught a trio of MASSIVE Sailfish in Costa Rica that should have the whole town talking.

The first one slammed the outrigger bait and Captain William was quick on the draw to snap this excellent photo:

First Mate Alex brought the monster in close and executed a perfect release.

It’s hunting buddy wasn’t far behind and torpedoed down the center exhaust alley munching baits the whole way. Alex expertly presented a naked ballyhoo rig and Sailfish number two hooked up within 25 feet of the transom.

Captain William followed some dolphins around looking for meat fish and although the Wanderer shot at a 30lbs. Tuna and a mysteriously huge Dorado, the fishbox stayed clean this time.

However the day was saved by a late Sailfish release, the third of the day. Fantastic fishing from the Oregon-based Team Bowker!

December 3, 2011

The famous Wanderer was back in action today with walk-up client Fred and his pal enlisting the blue beauty for a half-day of offshore trolling. The nice blue water was only a few miles out and the action was intense.

They missed on a few chances at Sailfish but managed to pile the fishbox high with some nice Dorado. Excellent work by Captain William and First Mate Alex on another productive trip.

November 28, 2011

On the morning of November 28 we received a report of five White Tunas and and some Bonitas from client Jeff Sampson from Colorado. Jeff has fished in a couple of times in Nosara before, but this was his first trip with Captain William on the famous Wanderer.

After the inshore harvest, they decided to go offshore and hunt billfish.

They had a few nice Sailfish in the spread throughout the day and released 3 of the beautiful behemoths before returning to Garza.

Great work by Mr. Sampson in displaying the patience and perseverance required for great billfish success…third trip is a charm!

November 26, 2011

Craig is back in the billfishing swing of things, with report of two more Black marlin today on the Wanderer. The first big Black broke the hook just alongside the boat, but the second Marlin was a clean leader release.

No release shot this time…we will trade a safe release for a photograph any day, and this Marlin was too big to be messing around with.

Also our great friend Jeff Grosshandler made swift work of this nice 25lbs. Dorado for the dinner table. Great offshore action from the FishingNosara flagship Wanderer!

November 25, 2011

Every trip is a fresh adventure on the Wanderer, as client Mark and his buddies got on a variety of fish that have been a bit scarce this season. First up, they boated a pair of Cubera Snappers weighing between 20lbs. and 30lbs.

They grabbed another rather exotic piece of meat in the form of this Cierro mackerel. Named for it’s zero shaped spots, this little fella is one of the best tasting fish in the sea.

Nice work by the Wanderer in proving that there is good action to be found all over the inshore reefs.

November 24, 2011

Timothy Patrick Riley and his family closed out Thanksgiving day with an afternoon fishing trip on the Wanderer with Captain William. The skies turned overcast…combine that with the green water close to shore and you have the recipe for some Dorado devastation.

They caught a half-dozen of the tasty green morsels which should definitely make for a great feast. What a great bit of family fishing in Costa Rica to keep this week of great action going. Nice work Riley family!

November 24, 2011

November 24 capped off a week of icebreakers for FishingNosara; the Eldridge family got the season’s first Double header billfish release, next Craig Sutton released the first marlin of the season.

Then on the famous Wanderer clients Alyssa and Alexander Rose caught the first Wahoo of the season.

Captain William set the blue beauty aside a school of spinning porpoises and after catching two small Bonitas the singing of the reel let it be known that a big missle of a fish was on the hook.

Wahoo are extremely fast and hard striking game, and pound for pound they fight just as hard as a Marlin. Catching a silver bullet like this one is so small feat…congratulations to Alyssa Rose and her group on this great catch.

November 22, 2011

She had a very special group with her this time: her family! The posse consisted of son Daniel, daughter Brooke, daughter-in-law Maria Yetty, and several of her grandkids visiting from the United States for Thanksgiving.

“Ever see a 15 year old kid who says he never caught anything trolling on the end of a mean Sail?” writes Richmond. “It was great.”

Awesome release by Oliver and Zeke Sheilds-Wald!

The Phipps posse released this Sailfish and lost a big Yellowfin tuna on the first day. On their second trip the group stayed inshore and had an absolute feeding frenzy on their hands.  Maria Yetty was the hot rod catching several tasty White tunas.

The big fish was this 20lbs. Amberjack, but they backed that catch up with a total of four White Tunas, five Jack Crevalles and a pair of nice Bonitas.

November 19, 2011

Captain Josh Eldridge and his wife Jennifer are in Nosara celebrating their 6th wedding anniversary, so obviously the perfect way for the IGFA-certified charter captain from Nantucket to celebrate was with some high-powered billfish hunting on the Wanderer.

Captain Josh and his wife had a super nice day with five Sailfish releases (including a Double header) backed up by a 30 lbs. Dorado for the dinner table.

“We a great time with William and Alex!” -Captain Josh Eldridge via email