February 21, 2012

Captain David and Mate Carlos of the magnificent Explorer took another huge stride to cementing this Super panga’s reputation as the best pound-for-poung boat in Garza with client Greg Raab on February 21. The blue water break was a quick 5 mile ride off of the beach and Captain David put out the billfish spread.

This behemoth took hold around 2pm and screamed off about a hundred yards of line in a flash. Mate Carlos saw her a split-second before the strike, thus giving Captain David the advantage when it came to backtracking towards the torpedoing Marlin.

Upon release this fish was estimated to weigh a bit upwards of 300lbs. Most importantly she was released unharmed and unstressed, ready to do battle again.

Greg Raab also added a nice Red Grouper for the dinner table, but we know the fishing story he’ll be telling the boys back on Long Island Sound. Great work besting a real sea monster and true fish of a lifetime!

February 20, 2012

Thompson Rains come to Nosara as a result of winning the Ancient City Kingfish Tournament raffle last Spring. The whole family is in town and they have already had some excellent action around Garza.

On February 20 they joined Captain William on the Wanderer for an offshore billfish hunt and we are happy to report that they released two amazing Pacific Sailfish.

The first came around 12:30pm and hit the spread very aggressively. A quick fight followed and this beauty was set free after just 20 minutes.

The second sail blasted through he blue water around 2:30 and was released at 3pm. Fantastic day by some Florida anglers who know how to handle the blue water beasties. Excellent work by Captain William, First Mate Alex and the whole Rains group.

February 19, 2012

John Higgins and his fellow Vermonters returned to the shores of Garza for another adventure with Captain David of the Explorer.ย 

The highlight of the feast was a pair of Groupers estimated to weigh 30lbs. The also had a big Marlin coming calling but the monster spit out the hook before it could be set. Still, plenty of filets in the cooler and lots of fun for this great group of Green Mountaineers.

February 19, 2012

William and Jessica Bronner followed up their incredibly large Dorado with another trip offshore with Captain William and the flagship Wanderer. This father-daughter fishing team notched the scorecard with two excellent Sailfish releases

Mr. Bronner was first up on the reel at 1pm when this MASSIVE Pacific Sailfish came tearing through the spread. Captain William kept the angler in an advantageous position while First Mate Alex coordinated the action from the cockpit. They kept the fight short and sweet, releasing this beauty in under 30 minutes.

An hour later Jessica Bronner flexed her fishing muscles on a Pacific Sailfish of her own. Jessica hails from the hard-fishing town of Del Rey Beach, FL and she didn’t need any explanation on how to bring in big-time billfish.

“Jessica is one of the best female anglers I’ve ever seen,” commented First Mate Alex, who has been a professional boatman for over 14 years. “She fought this fish like a pro and even assisted on the bill and release. Jessica Bronner can fish with me anytime!”

Once again the Wanderer delivered a fantastic trip for a fantastic fishing family. Great work by Captain William, First Mate Alex, and the Bronners.

February 18, 2012

Dennis Seltsam joined Captain David on the Explorer, and after a fantastic Marlin release on the Wanderer Mr. Seltsam was ready to stay inshore and hunt reef monsters. The highlight of the excursion was this gorgeous Rooster fish:

These Kentucky anglers backed up the Rooster release with an assortment of Congrios which have certainly been around in droves recently. Great all around fishing perfomance by Dennis Seltsam and the invincible Explorer!

February 18, 2012

Our new friends William Bronner and his daughter Jessica are in Nosara for a week of relaxing, travelling, and of course some big time fishing! They were on the Wanderer with Captain William and pulled a MASSIVE Dorado estimated to weigh well over 60lbs.

Now that’s a heck of fish, but the way they caught it really stands out as something unique. Notice anything weird about this picture?

Look closer:

This monster moved through the spread so quickly that he gulped down a second rigged ballyhoo before the hook was set from the first bait! With twice the leverage and the hooksets this beast came home with little effort.

Very unique accomplishment for the Bronners who have more fishing scheduled this week. Stay tuned!

February 17, 2012

Suzanne McDowell and her group had an excellent afternoon on the water with Captain David and they have the fridge full of fish filets to prove it. The unstoppable Explorer stayed inshore and they racked several large Congrios and an assortment of smaller snappers.

Fantastic work by these Vermonters and Captain David on an outstanding trip!

February 16, 2012

Dennis Seltsam came to Nosara with a singular purpose: Catch the fish of a lifetime! This Kentucky angler booked the Wanderer for a full day of Marlin hunting and I’d say the time spend traveling and trolling paid off.

Take a look at this beastie:

This Blue Marlin is estimate to weigh 250lbs. which isn’t exactly a record breaker, but look at that girth! This barrel-shaped torpedo gave Mr. Seltsam a heck of a fight but once again Captain William and the Wanderer prevailed victorious.

Great safe release as always by First Mate Alex!

Dennis will be working the inshore reefs tomorrow with Captain David on the Explorer and we’ll see if the good times keep rolling.